Monday, October 28, 2013

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 37 Screencaps & Translations

(At the hospital visiting Teresa with Laura and Margarida.)
Margarida: Now that you can have visitors, we all came to give you strength.
Teresa: Glad you came. I'm so tired of being here ...
Eduardo: It's just unfortunate that it was all in vain.
Teresa: Oh, Eduardo I'm sorry ... You did the surgery for nothing ... You gave me your kidney and I stayed the same.
Laura: Eduardo knows this was not your fault, dear. And we will sue the nurse who made the error.
Teresa: Oh Mother, not worth it. All the lawsuits you do, the kidney will not go back to working, and she did not mean any harm.
Eduardo: Did not mean what Teresa? She ruined every chance of the transplant being a success.

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Teresa: Nobody knew if my body would reject that kidney or not.
Laura: Either way, that girl has to be held accountable for the mistake she made. She cannot continue to be a nurse.
Margarida: Not worth arguing with mother, Teresa.
Laura: Now what is important is to think about is your recovery, and you're going back to do another transplant and that this time it will be fine.
Teresa: Oh .. it will take a long time until we find a compatible donor... I now go to the end of the list.
Laura: All employees of the company will do the tests. All our friends too. All our acquaintances. Someone will be compatible.
Teresa: Mother, you cannot force employees to donate a kidney.
Laura: I will not force anyone. I will appeal to the charity in them. I am sure they will want to help.
(Salvador and Simão arrive.)
Salvador: Bom dia. Good morning.
Laura: Glad you came.
Salvador: I could not go to work without stopping by here. How are you feeling, Teresa?
Teresa: Look, I feel frustrated. I was hoping this would work but the doctor has told us that the kidney is not cooperating.
Simão: And now? You'll have to have another surgery to remove the kidney?
Teresa: No. He said it was not worth doing a new surgery.
Salvador: You have to have patience, Teresa. It did not go right now, but I'm sure it will with the next transplant.
(Later, at Boheme, Eduardo at Benedita's desk.)
Eduardo: I need to talk to you. Let's talk please.
Benedita: I do not see what the issue is that can not be discussed here.
(Eduardo sits across from Benedita.)
Eduardo: Andreia and I, we split.
Benedita: Oh yeah?
Eduardo: Yes, she left home.
Benedita: Ah! Andreia left you ...
Eduardo: No. Andreia did not leave me. It was I who sent her away.
Benedita: You've gotten upset and done that so many times that I lost count. But maybe you'll get lucky and she'll come back.
Eduardo: You see, this is what ... hmm ... For months and months you have been pressuring me to divorce her. And now you pretend you don't want to know about it.
Benedita: Too late, Eduardo. I met someone.
Eduardo: (disbelieving) You met someone, what?
(off Benedita's serious look) You knew ... Is it someone from the company?
Benedita: No.
Eduardo: So you started sleeping with another guy while you were with me?
Benedita: We were never together.
Eduardo: Okay, let's talk, let's have lunch, please.
Benedita: I can't. I have a doctor's appointment. I told your mother.
Eduardo: (as she walks away) Oh Benedita. Do not forget to bring back proof (of her doctor's appointment.)
(Later, Eduardo is in Laura’s office.)
Laura: The charity show will happen.
Eduardo: What was the organization that you chose?
Laura: One of the organizations for single mothers, one which has plenty of visibility and then we can use the girls in the runway show.
Eduardo: And their communications office has already contacted us?
Laura: Everything is handled.
Eduardo: Mother, if you want I can deal with the production of this show. You have so much to deal with, especially with the situation with Teresa.
Laura: It's all handled. All that's left is the runway show and it will happen. And this "situation" with Teresa, is not only mine, it's all of ours.
Eduardo: Yes, of course. I'm not saying otherwise. Dunno. I'm only saying this because, for example, you have not even discussed the trip to Milan, to the fair. It's the kind of thing that usually, in past years, was discussed well in advance.
Laura: But I'm going to Milan, Eduardo. Only this time I'm going alone. I will come go for one day and return the next. And I need you to stay here. Something might happen.
Eduardo: Mother .. why is this? Why exclude me this way? You know that I'm the only one of my brothers who is really interested in this business. I ask want to ask you something. When the day comes that you do not have the capacity to manage Boheme, you will sell or give it to me, right?
Laura: (staring coldly at Edward) That day is still far away from happening. Now please leave, I have some calls to make.
Eduardo: (talking to an employee) Here is all the data for the report. But beware, it has to be delivered no later than Friday. Without fail, okay? See you later.
(Benedita arrives and Eduardo looks at his watch.)
Eduardo: Have you seen the time? Hum?
Benedita: I told you I had an appointment and would be back later.
Eduardo: Oh... the appointment... And so where is the note from the doctor?
Benedita: I did not know it was necessary. At least it wasn't until now.
Eduardo: But it will be, my friend.
Benedita: Eduardo, if anyone has the right to reprimand me, it is your mother, not you.
Eduardo: Hum, hum. Why did you go to the doctor?
Benedita: It has nothing to do with you.
Eduardo: You're depressed, aren't you? It can only be ... the way you have behaved, it has to be.
Benedita: You're confusing me with your wife.
Eduardo: Look now that you mention it, it is interesting. There are similar things between you two. Both of you are unbearable when you are upset. I just sincerely hope that the doctor gave you more than enough medicine, because at least you are in a better mood when you are medicated. And it is better that you do not ask for a medical absence.  Do you understand?
Benedita: And if I do ask for it? I have that right.
Eduardo: Yeah you do. And I also have the right to put you out on the street ... Think about what you're doing Benedita, I will not allow this to continue much longer.
Benedita: Are you finished? Can I start work?
Eduardo: You can. But first I want a coffee.
Benedita: I am your secretary. I'm not your waitress.
Eduardo: If you do not like it, you have good medicine. Go away. You know that there are hundreds of people who would give anything to be in your place? Maybe more qualified even ... It will not be difficult to find a replacement. And coffee without sugar ... but you already know that.


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