Saturday, October 26, 2013

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 36 Screencaps and Translations

(At Laura’s office, Eduardo knocks at the door.)
Laura: Yes...
Eduardo: Mom, I came to see how Teresa is. Did you already go to the hospital?
Laura: (almost crying) I did.
Eduardo: I don't know, I have this feeling that the doctors didn’t do everything they could. That's what I think.
Laura: And you are completely right.
(Eduardo looks at his mother surprised. She said that he is right LOL.)

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Laura: It was a nurse who did not give her the right medication.
Eduardo: I knew it, I knew it. I just didn't guess the number on the jackpot. And so? We’ll sue her?
Laura: (with a commanding tone) Yes! However we still have the same problem. Your sister goes without a kidney. I'm already willing to do whatever it takes.
Eduardo: You are thinking of resorting to the black market?
Laura: If it has to be ... We have to do an internet search. There should be sites where we can find the contacts of these people.
Eduardo: Want me to do a search on the net?
Laura: Do it. I'll also search. We have to find a solution to this problem.
(Eduardo is at Benedita's desk.)
Eduardo: I want these documents ready on my desk tomorrow morning.
Benedita: But this is data all the way back to 2008. I'll probably only be able to have it ready by the end of the day.
Eduardo: If you had not taken so long at lunch, you would have had more time to start.
Benedita: Do not provoke me, Eduardo ...
Eduardo: So? What the hell are these threats? I told you I want those papers on my desk tomorrow morning.
Benedita: I do not know if I can.
Eduardo: You'll have to.
(Both leaving the office.)
Benedita: Why are you doing this?
Eduardo: This what?
Benedita: Creating work.
Eduardo: You started it ...
Benedita: So it is a punishment ...
Eduardo: No, not a punishment. You are my secretary and all I ask of you is within your duties as a secretary.
Benedita: You're an asshole.
Eduardo: I know that. And I also know that you do things other than gathering papers much better. But it's like the saying goes "everyone gets what they deserve."
(Later at Laura’s office.)
Eduardo: Mom, I'm leaving. Need anything?
Laura: No. Call Teresa. She would love to hear from you.
Eduardo: I'll call from the car now. Okay?
Laura: Eduardo? Son, I have noticed that your relationship with Andreia remains tense.
Eduardo: She has not been helping, Mother.
Laura: You need to be more affectionate with your wife ... She likes attention. Huh? Do not forget that she was the reason the domestic violence complaint was filed.
Eduardo: I know that, Mom.
Laura: Take her out to dinner ... at a romantic restaurant ... She'll love it.
Eduardo: (gives her a kiss) Thanks for the advice.
Laura: See you soon...
(Eduardo is on the street, runs into Cláudia, Andreia's fellow model/friend (Cláudia Borges playing herself.)
Cláudia: Eduardo.
Eduardo: Hi... Cláudia.
Cláudia: How are you?
Eduardo: All well?
Cláudia: Everything is. And Andreia? I have not seen her for some time.
Eduardo: Yes, Andrea decided to take a break to rest.
Cláudia: Well, Filipa (Andreia's agent) told me what happened to the baby. To be honest with you, it is a delicate matter, which is why I didn't visit her.
Eduardo: Yes, what happened to the baby was difficult.
Cláudia: Really, she was unlucky. Pregnant right at the time was going to do the campaign. But I do not blame the decision you two made. I know the sacrifices that are needed to keep us in this profession. Each passing day brings younger girls dying to get to our position.
Eduardo: (surprised, he ends the conversation quickly) I... Look ... Good to see you.
Cláudia: Yeah, you too ... Bye, give a kiss to Andreia.
(Andreia is in the living room talking to Margarida, and tells her, very happily, that Eduardo phoned to say that they are going out to dinner, and he should be there any minute.  Eduardo comes home.)
Andreia: Finally.
Eduarda: Hello.
Andreia: Shall we go?
Eduardo:(to Andreia) Will you come in to the room a second, please?
Andreia: You don't notice anything different?
Margarida: Eduardo, Andreia did her hair for you. Don't you think she's pretty?
Eduardo: (dryly) You are beautiful, shall we?
(Andreia finds his tone strange but goes with him.)
(Now in their bedroom.)
Andreia: But what is going on? Is everything okay?(as Eduardo brings out a suitcase) We are going to spend the night out? Is that it?
Eduardo: You will! Not me!
Andreia: But are you crazy, Eduardo? What are you thinking?
Eduardo: Andreia, you will leave this house today. Immediately. I want you out of here.
Andreia: Have you been drinking?
Eduardo: What?
Andreia: Have you been drinking, Eduardo?
Eduardo: Andreia... been drinking? (as if he will hit her, but stops himself.) Do not make it worse.
Andreia: But make what worse? I do not understand anything of what is happening here. You got home and you're acting like a maniac.
Eduardo: Do you know why? Because you make me so. It’s you that makes me so. My desire was ... (makes motion like he is going to hit her.)
Andreia: This time I will not withdraw the complaint in front of the judge.
Eduardo: Andreia, look at me. Look at my face. Be honest for once in your life. Did you cause the abortion on purpose?
Andreia: Eduardo...
Eduardo: Andreia.
Andreia: Who told you that?
Eduardo: You see? It doesn't matter who told me that. And you know why? Because everyone knows. At your agency, your friends all know. I ran into one of them, who told me that she understood our decision. OUR DECISION. Andreia, what decision? You are all sick ...
Andreia: Eduardo try to understand. I had the opportunity to do the campaign.
Eduardo: There is nothing to understand. What campaign? There is nothing to understand. You will leave this house today and tomorrow we begin to deal with the divorce.
(Andreia realizes that she has lost.)
Andreia: Okay, Eduardo, I will leave. I'll leave but I want a half of everything it is yours. Got that? Half of what your father left you in your inheritance, shall be mine. That is the price to get rid of me.
Eduardo: Listen, listen to what I say to you. You will not get anything. You are already lucky to get these clothes that my money paid for. What you did, Andreia, is unforgivable. You knew, you knew how much I wanted to have this baby. But no ...  your crap career is more important, isn’t it? And after you did that whole dramatic scene, and I, was so ​​stupid, I was even worried about you. I came to you, but you were not crying because of the baby, you were crying because of your damn job.
Andreia: And thank goodness I did it, Eduardo. I am glad. If you must know, I'm not sorry about anything. I ended up getting rid of a child that I did not want and a marriage that made me unhappy. You suck at everything, everything. And even your mother knows it. That's why even she does not give you any responsibilities at the company.
(Eduardo almost hits her, instead, opens the door) Eduardo: Get out Andreia.
Andreia: I should be kicking you out for being unfaithful, this is what you deserve. 
Eduardo: Andreia? Get out!
Andreia: (provoking him) Are you having trouble controlling yourself, is it? Go on... Hit me, hit me.
(Eduardo drags her out of the room.)
Andreia: I'll report you. Let me go.
(Now back in the room with Margarida.)
Margarida: What is going on? Did he hurt you?
Andreia: Your brother wants to kick me out of this house.
Eduardo: Let’s go.
Andreia: Eduardo, Eduardo.
Margarida: Stop.
Eduardo: Margarida, this doesn't concern you, okay?
(Laura enters.)
Laura: What is all this shouting? Your screams can be heard on the street.
Andreia: Now this I want to see. I want to see if you have the courage to speak. Speak!
Laura: What is going on?
(Eduardo laughs.)
Laura: Eduardo???
Andreia: I am tired. I'm tired of putting up with your son and I'm leaving. This marriage is over.
Laura: You're not going anywhere until I know exactly what is going on. Eduardo?
Eduardo: The son Andreia supposedly lost, was no fluke. Andreia did it on purpose. Had an abortion on purpose.
Margarida: Andreia...
Laura: Is this true, Andreia?
Andreia: Yes.
Eduardo: I never want to see her again in my life.
Andreia: But you'll see me. You will see me in court. Believe me you will.
(Andreia picks up the suitcase to leave.)
Laura: (as she leaves) Send me the address where we can send the rest of your stuff.
Margarida: How did this happen?
Eduardo: She’s crazy.
Laura: Did you hit her?
Eduardo: No.
Laura: Are you sure?
Eduardo: I grabbed her by the arm. That's it. I did not do anything.
Laura: Good. I do not want her to become the victim of this whole story.
Eduardo: She threatened that she would take half of everything I have.
Laura: (grabbing his face) This is YOUR fault! But I'll try to fix this problem. It will not be easy.  I will talk to our lawyers today.
(Later in Laura’s home office.)
Eduardo: Dulce told me that you wanted to talk to me.
Laura: Yes, I do. How are you?
Eduardo: How you think? I am furious. From Andreia I would expect anything, but not this. This is disgusting.
Laura: For God's sake, Eduardo. Compose yourself. You know she is completely obsessed by her body and diets. And you knew that long ago.
Eduardo: Yes, but this has nothing to do with diets. This is something much bigger. This puts everything in question. How can I know, the other times she was pregnant, if the pregnancy ended "by chance" ... I do not know ... That is what is important. I know that now.
Laura: Even so, I think you should talk to her.
Eduardo: Mother, no. I will not. It is so soon I do not even want to hear her name.
Laura: Any idea of what is involved with being done with this marriage?
Eduardo: Mother, I can not trust Andreia. Never again.
Laura: I should have forced you to get a prenup before you married her. But at the time you were so in love ... wouldn't listen to anyone. Now you see the result. It's not just the money. She lived for many years with us. She knows a lot about our family. And then there's that sad incident of you beating her. What do we do if she decides to open her mouth?
Eduardo: Oh Mother, Andreia is silly but not stupid enough to ...
Laura: Do not underestimate her, Eduardo, do not underestimate her. What you have to do, if you really want to end this marriage, is give her a big fat check as well and make her sign the divorce papers, regardless of everything. I will speak with our attorney to have him also draft a confidentiality agreement. This is what has to happen.

While "Laura" won't be winning "Mother of the Year" awards anytime soon, I do want to give Dina an award for translating all of these scenes for us!  Obrigada Dina!  You are awesome! 

Speaking of awesome, Diogo is simply great in this episode. I know that "Eduardo" isn't lovable or even likable most of the time, but with what Diogo brings to him, you can't help but feel for the guy.  That is what I so admire.  I have to say, I think this whole cast is amazing.  Maria João Luís who plays "Laura" is incredible to me, and I think she and Diogo are brilliant together in their scenes. Really impressed.  

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