Friday, October 25, 2013

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 35 Screencaps & Translation

(Laura comes home from the hospital.)
Eduardo: So mother, how was Teresa?
Laura: She tries to hide it well, but your sister does not fool me. It's very disheartening.

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)

Eduardo: This transplant ... At first it's all very simple, it's all very safe, but then that's it. It was better ifshe had continued to do dialysis.
(When Laura stays silent, he changes the subject.)
Eduardo:  Anyway ... Well I was able to review the audit report, and we have to move forward with the cuts as soon as possible.
Laura: First I want to talk with the directors of the various departments. I have to show them solutions.
Eduardo: Yes, but if we follow strictly the plan they propose, we have to make ends meet, mother. By the way, Mother, have you thought about who will replace Teresa? Because she will not be able to return to the company any time soon, right?
Laura: I have hope that your brother Salvador will come back to work with us.
Eduardo: Salvador has just accepted a job in consulting ... Mother, mother? Mother, you know that I know the business very well. And I'm available, which is most important.
Laura: (condescending) Oh son, you already have so much work ... I would do not want you to have more things to do.
Eduardo: Mother, I have the sales department, and you know as well as I do that it is a well directed department. I have nothing to do.
Laura: (with a forced smile) We'll talk about it, okay? However it could be that your sister will recover and comes back to work, huh?
Eduardo: Okay.
(Eduardo gets up and walks away, looking disappointed)
Laura: Good night.
(In the room with Andreia.)
Andreia: Any news on Teresa?
Eduardo: My mother said she was the same.
Andreia: Poor thing ...
Eduardo: Poor thing? What about me? No poor me? After all I gave a kidney for nothing.
Andreia: Stop being selfish, Eduardo.
Eduardo: No, I'm not being selfish, but the truth is Teresa went into that hospital with a problem and now is exactly the same. Already I had nothing wrong, now I have a health problem, do I not?
Andreia: But what is the problem? You are great ... You speak as if your sister had something to do with what is happening.
Eduardo: I said that? I didn’t say that, did I? So?
Andreia: So stop playing the victim. I'm already tired of this bullshit.
Eduardo: For you it's all so simple, isn't it? Unless it affects you then it's drama. Is that a pound more, or is that a wrinkle or a stretch mark ...
Andreia: I don’t have stretch marks!
Eduardo: You do not have stretch marks because you relax and you did not do the operation. That's why you do not have stretch marks.
Andreia: Don't be silly.
Eduardo: Now seriously. Just imagine that we have a son, huh? I only have one kidney and I am the only that's match. What then?
Andreia: Oh Eduardo, I do not know. And I also do not want to talk about having kids now.
Eduardo: No ... Teresa's problem is genetic, isn't it? But I only have one kidney and have no one in the family who is compatible.
Andreia: Well there is. You see? The problem is not whether you will have a son. The problem is not with him, it's you. It's all centered on you. All the rest are just stories.
Eduardo: You can say whatever you want but the truth is that I did something that very few people do.
Andreia: Yes ... and now you're going to be talking about it for years. Actually, you only did it because your mother made ​​you ... So do not talk as if you did it out of kindness. (Laying down) I'm going to sleep.
(At breakfast the next morning)
Margarida: I have to hurry. [Luis] must already be waiting for me in the ring.
Andreia: But you will train all morning?
Margarida: Why?
Andreia: Because if Louis has some free time, he could give me another lesson.
Margarida: (sarcastically) Yeah but my show is the day after tomorrow, and I still want to work on some stuff in the choreography, which isn't perfect.
Eduardo: Oh Andreia, now you're learning to ride, is that it?
Andreia: It's true. I decided it was time to get over my fear.
Eduardo: I think it’s very good that you find something to do to keep you occupied. Very good indeed
Laura: (entering) Eduardo, I am going to the office.
Margarida: Are you going to the hospital, Mother?
Laura: No. First I am going to Boheme and then I'll go to the hospital at lunchtime.
Margarida: But I'd like to go see Teresa ...
Laura: They are not allowing visitors. But I'll ask them to tell her that you are worried and want to see her.
Margarida: Se you soon.
(Eduardo arrives at Boheme and is very cold to Benedicta.)
Eduardo: Good morning.
Benedita: How are you, "Dr.?"
Eduardo: I want you to set up a meeting with the Director of Marketing, today, if it is still possible, and immediately call the factory manager to my office.
Benedita: Right away.
Eduardo: But before that I want you to get me a coffee.
Benedita: Sure.
Eduardo: Is my mother in the office?
Benedita: Yes, she is in with the man in charge of the factory.

Thanks so much to Dina for translating "Eduardo's" scenes in this episode.  I admit and apologize, I am a bit behind on "Sol de Inverno" this week because of work and Diogo's amazing "Lux Woman" interview, but I will do my best to catch us all up on "Sol de Inverno" this weekend.  Thank you for your patience, and have a great weekend!

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