Tuesday, October 22, 2013

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 33 Screencaps and Translation

FYI, "Eduardo" is only in one scene today.  Thanks to Dina for translating it.

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)

Margarida: I spoke with Simão and he said that he’ll be stopping by here to see you.
Eduardo: Fine by me. As long as he does not bring that "friend" (referring to his boyfriend Nuno), fine.
Margarida: Don't be prejudiced Eduardo.
Eduardo:  And I'm not. I do not wish them any harm, right? I am friends with such people. That's it.
Margarida: He is our brother. How can you feel this contempt?
Eduardo: Margarida, I do not feel any contempt for him, I just do not pretend. I'm no hypocrite. I'm not one of those people who says the politically correct thing: "Oh no, it doesn't bother me. I want them to be very happy forever." I cannot say that. You know me a long time. I am sincere and this is just how I feel.
(Laura comes home)
Laura: Hello children.
Margarida: So Mom, how was your day?
Laura: Good.
Eduardo: I was starting to think that my mother did not want to see me …
Laura:  Sorry, I'm late because of Boheme. And now, son, how are you feeling?
Eduardo: I feel good, but is there a problem at the company, Mother?
Laura: No, I've been dealing with matters related to the audit.
Eduardo: You already have the results?
Laura: Already do. The report is not yet final but I think I've got to figure out where we can make cuts.
Eduardo: If you do not mind, Mother, could you bring me the report? I'd like to read it.
Laura: No son, at this time, all you have to think about is your recovery.
(Dulce comes to get Laura who leaves to go to the study, leaving Eduardo annoyed and disappointed.)

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