Wednesday, October 23, 2013

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 34 Screencaps & Translations

(Thank you Dina for translating these scenes for us!)

(At the breakfast table)
Margarida: Thanks Dulce. (finding the maid's silence odd) Dulce? Is everything okay? Your face is ...
Dulce: I didn’t sleep well, miss.
Eduardo: Mother, today I'm going with you to the office.
Laura: It would be better for you yto stay home a few more days to rest.
Eduardo: No, no, no. Negative. No mam. I feel very, very well. Also I talked to the doctor and he told me that I could return to work without any problem. I, of course, must be careful. Don’t work too hard, do not pick up heavy things, or drive. But no problem, because Carlos (the driver), drives us, right?
Laura: First, we'll stop by the hospital to see your sister.
Margarida: Tell her I send a little kiss.
Andreia: This, here, without Teresa, it isn’t the same.

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
(As Eduardo and Laura are leaving the house.)
Eduardo: Mother, if you don’t mind, I’ll walk to the office and then take your place at the visiting hours for Teresa. Is that okay?
Laura: I think that’s better.
(Benedita arrives at the office.)
Eduardo: Good morning, Benedita.
Benedita: Good morning.
Eduardo: Did you miss me?
Benedita: Honestly? No.
Eduardo: What have you been doing to get here so late?
Benedita: I had to go over to Finances.
Eduardo: (not believing her) Bahh ... Look here, when are we going to be together again?
Benedita: Let me check my schedule ... ahhh .... Never.
(Eduardo laughs, not taking her seriously.)
Benedita: We're done, Eduardo. I will not waste any more time with you.
Eduardo: And since when is being together wasting time? Hmm? It was always so good, so fun, wasn’t it?
Benedita: This conversation up may work for some, but not me.
Eduardo: I see that it’s hard to talk with you today ...
(in a louder voice) And then, when you can, stop by my office to give me the Report of the External Audit, okay?
Benedita: I will bring it. But Doctor (sarcastically) don’t make too much effort or you will hurt yourself (from the surgery.)
 (Eduardo's in his office when Benedita knocks on the door.)
Benedita: Can I come in?
Eduardo: Yes…
Benedita: Here's the report. It’s a copy. Your mother has the original.
Eduardo: Thanks.
Benedita: I wasn’t expecting you to be back so soon ... to work ...
Eduardo: I was missing you.
Benedita: Eduardo, I wasn’t kidding when I said I only be with you if you'd left Andreia.
Eduardo: (sighing) I'll leave Andreia! Actually, I would have left Andreia if had there was no problem with Teresa and the hospital.
Benedita: I still have not forgotten you spent the night with me and the next day you went running to your wife.
Eduardo: I had to go back, Benedita.
Benedita: Eduardo, you don’t need to justify it, you don’t have to lie.
Eduardo: You don’t have the slightest idea of what it is like to be controlled by my mother, do you?
Beu nedita: You are a big boy ... How about not doing whatever your mom wants?
Eduardo: And then what? How does that affect the situation here in the company? Make room for my brothers? To let them take care of it and leave me out?
Benedita: Excuses ... Do you need anything else?
Eduardo: I need. Actually I really need ... (he tries to kiss her.)
Benedita: Eduardo, if you don’t let me go immediately, I'll start screaming ...
(Eduardo releases her.)
Eduardo: You can go.
Benedita: Thanks. (and she leaves his office.)
(Later, Eduardo goes to Laura's office, knocks on the door.)
Laura: Yes…
Eduardo: Mother, Benedita told me you wanted to talk to me ...
Laura: Sit down son, that the matter serious.
Eduardo: So??
Laura: They wouldn't let me see your sister. It seems that the post-op isn’t going well. Apparently it seems she is rejecting the kidney.
Eduardo: Then this means that we did the surgery for nothing? We were on an operating table for absolutely nothing? Is that it, Mother?
Laura: It’s not yet definitive. And we always knew that this could happen, Eduardo. We always knew there was the possibility of rejection.
Eduardo: No, no, mother. I'm so sorry but I was fully compatible. If she is rejecting the kidney it's due to some medical negligence. I think we should sue the hospital, the doctor, or the surgical team.
Laura: (interrupting him) We will not do anything. The doctor told me that the medication may still solve the problem. So what we will do now is wait.
(Eduardo is not convinced and is still upset, but he shuts up.)


  1. So what do you guys think? How does Eduardo really feel about Benedita?

  2. Hmmm.....Not sure he really cares, just that she did that to HIM! lol.....little stinker! lol so love this series or whatever they call it! Wish it was in English! Hmm...maybe he needs to r-eshoot all the scenes in American or better yet, Diogo, make up your own Novel! That would be great!!!! (In English and get Darwin to star in it with you!! )
