Monday, October 21, 2013

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 32 Screencaps & Translations

(Note: "Eduardo" was not in episode 31, so that's why today's post is episode 32, and Dina translated his scenes for us again.  Obrigada Dina!)

(Eduardo visits Teresa in her room.)
T: You're Leaving now, right?
E: Yes, I am. Came to see how you are.
T: Eduardo, you know that I have you to thank every day for the rest of my life, which I hope will be very long. What you did for me ...
E: I just hope that the kidney works and everything goes well from now on.
T: It will.  I'll have to take medicine, I will have to be watched, but anything is better than being dependent on dialysis.

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)

E: (removing the mask) Well I ... I will come visit you when I can, okay?
T: Wait, wait Eduardo. Andreia needs you. I know that your marriage is going through a difficult phase.
E: Our marriage has been a difficult phase since the first day.
T: So, if you're not for it, divorce her. Otherwise, you have to make it work.
E: It would be nice if Andreia contributed too, wouldn't it?
T: I'm sure that Andreia will help you. She may be a girl with different priorities but deep down she is a good person.
E: She is. And I Teresa? What am I? Hmm?
T: You are also a good person.
(A Nurse comes in.)
Nurse: We have to take your temperature. (To Eduardo) You have to put your mask on, okay? 99.9 º. Is a bit high. I'll call the doctor.
T: I know you and Andreia argue a lot. I. .. sometimes I feel like a priest (laughs). Ugh... I can not laugh. You know ... a priest never marries and gives advice on marriage and family ... It's what I am (the two laugh.)
(At home with Andreia.)
A: Have you seen how you're a lucky guy? I brought you home, I made you a snack, sat where you wanted ... All as a devoted wife.
E: Thank you. It's chamomile tea?
A: Sure is.
E: I think it's the first time you did this for me, Andreia (looking for toast). No, I'm sure, because I know you well, you would have prayed every day that something went wrong so you'd be a widow.
A: Unfortunately it did not and you're here.
Margarida: (entering) Look, look, okay?
E: Look at my little sister.
M: How do you feel?
E: Very well, you?
M: As well. Here at home there is a silence that has been impossible lately. Where is mother?
A: Called to say that she was going to a meeting and would be home later.
(Margarida takes the toast from Eduardo's dish)
(Eduardo tries to stop her.)
E: Only, only half, okay?

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