Sunday, October 20, 2013

Making of "Remain" - Diogo's next short film

This is so cool!  Diogo and his brother Pedro shared news over on StoryLab's YouTube channel about the next short film they are working on, tentatively called "Remain."   Make sure you hit the "CC" button/turn on the captions when you watch it, as it is subtitled.

(video courtesy of StoryLab Youtube Channel)

Thanks Diogo and Pedro for sharing this exciting process with us.  Congratulations, have fun and keep up the great work, we will be watching!

So make sure you subscribe to StoryLab's YouTube channel, and if you haven't already, check out Diogo's first short film, "Break," which is also posted there.  You'll be so glad you did.



  1. This is way too cool!!! Am I reading it right? They want OUR input? Really????? That could be dangerous LOL.
    I don't know if Diogo comes onto your blog to check it out, Sara, but if he does...I think little brother is TALLER than him!!! Isn't that something the younger siblings try to "out do" with the older siblings? Hehehe
    What a bunch of great guys!!!

  2. Well, I'm still trying to get over Eduardo and Diogo's stunning performances during surgery! :) I feel sorry for him now, so thanks for that Diogo! Two beautiful Can't wait for new short!
