Thursday, November 14, 2013

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 53 Screencaps & Translations

(Eduardo and Andreia talk in their room.)
Eduardo: (referring to Sofia) We have to be able to stop her. Not that Sophie represents any threat to Boheme. Now, after what she did, we can’t allow her to regroup.

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Andreia: I don’t understand this war with Sofia. She has already paid enough, don’t you think?
Eduardo: Paid what, Andreia? She spent five years in Mozambique on vacation. So? For me it will only be paid when she goes to jail.
Andreia: Her husband committed suicide ...
Eduardo: Should have been her.
(Andreia shakes her head in disagreement.)
(Eduardo goes to the mirror and see the bruise still on his face from the punch from Tomas.)
Eduardo: Have you seen this?
Andreia: Hurts?
Eduardo: A bit.
Andreia: (with her makeup bag in hand) Come here. Sit here.
Eduardo: Okay.
(Eduardo sits, but when he realizes that she is going to put makeup on his face, he jumps up, protesting.)
Eduardo: Oh, oh. Wait! Where are you going with that, huh? You're confusing me with my brother Simão.
Andreia: Don’t be silly. It's just so it's not as noticable, come here.
Eduardo: No! Oh Andreia! Andreia, no.
Andreia: Come here, sit here quietly.
Eduardo: But just a little, okay?
Andreia: Yes, just a little ...
Eduardo: Really, I'm serious.
Andreia: (touches him, he flinches) Oh ... sorry ...
Eduardo: Doesn't hurt.
Andreia: I hope you didn’t go back to your old ways. I didn’t return home to go back to you betraying me.
Eduardo: I told you it was a door, the car door. More importantly, it wasn’t me that started with the betrayals, was it?
Andreia: I aslo don’t know why I'm worrying.
(There's a knock on the door and it's Dulce.  Eduardo gets up, moves away from Andreia, embarrassed she was putting make up on him.)
Andreia: Yes? It is time for dinner, Dulce?
Dulce: It is, but Miss Laura asked for Eduardo to go see her first, in the library.
Eduardo: Thank you Dulce.
(And he leaves.)
(In the library, Laura receives Eduardo with a big smile of satisfaction.)
Laura: Close the door, son, please.
Eduardo: I gather it must be important ...
Laura: I don’t even want to believe.
Eduardo: Salvador woke up (from coma)?
Laura: No, unfortunately not. But I have good news. Everything is handled with the Doctor from Mexico. Tomorrow I want you to fly there.
Eduardo: And you already told Teresa what we’ll do?
Laura: No. If we tell her, the more likely she is to say no. So what will happen is this. You will fly to Mexico, and will ensure that the clinic has the ideal conditions to do the transplant. And then I talk to her.
Eduardo: Okay. If you don’t want me to talk to her, I'll shut up, but ...
Laura: But I'll tell her that you're going on a business trip. That will explain your absence for a few days. I'll take care of the flights themseleves, the less people who know about it now, the better. Let's go have dinner?
(And they leave to go join the others at dinner.)
(Laura, Eduardo, Andreia, Teresa and Margarida are sitting at the dinner table)
Laura: (to Teresa and Margarida) If you want you can ask Dulce to bring dessert. Don’t need to wait.
Teresa: Oh Mom, sorry. It was me. I have to eat my meals at certain times because of the medication so I asked them to serve dinner.
Laura:You did very well, dear, I understand.
Andreia: (to Eduardo) You haven't opened your mouth, is everything okay?
Eduardo: It is, it's okay.
Laura: (diverting attention from Eduardo, speaks with Teresa) So, how are you feeling?
Teresa: Well, as good as possible. With having to do the treatment at night, I'd like to spend less time on the travel and gain more time during the day.
Laura: We have to find a donor as soon as possible. We will have to find a solution for this.
Teresa: It’s to wait, mother. That is the solution. I do not see any other.
(Dulce comes into the dinning room to ask how dinner was.)
Eduardo: It is very good, very good indeed.
(Dulce tries to hide her irritation when the family begins to praise the performance of Sandra, the new cook. After turning back the girl says that she is still very green. Dulce changes the subject and asks about Salvador.)
Eduardo: Mom, I think it would be a good idea for us to start preparing ourselves that there may be the possibility of Salvador not recovering, as happened with father.
(Everyone is very embarrassed.)
Laura: I don’t ever want to hear you say such a thing. What happened to your father was completely different. The doctors quickly declared him brain dead. I'll take coffee in the office (and rises very angry).
Andreia: You could have stayed silent.
Eduardo: I don’t know why. I know that Mother doesn't want to lose Salvador. In fact, none of us do. But if there's a chance, I think we should at least begin preparing ourselves psychologically. That's it.
Teresa: Oh Eduardo ... There is no way to prepare for a loss, is there?
(And they all stay silent.)
(Eduardo is in the bedroom packing for his trip.)
Andreia: So, how long are you staying?
Eduardo: Not sure, but maybe 3 or 4 days. No more than that.
Andreia: Um... um... You gonna go straight there, or...
Eduardo: Andreia, why so many questions? It's like this is the first time I'm travelling.
Andreia: Eduardo, it was all very sudden. Yesterday you didn’t know about this trip, today we're packing bags.
Eduardo: Andreia, the opportunity came up. We've been ttrying for some time, and this time they invited us to go there. That's it.
Andreia: Yes, but why didn’t you invite me?
Eduardo: Because I don’t want you there alone. It is only 2 or 3 days.
Andreia: And does that change anything? I'll stay here alone. So at least I'd get to travel.
Eduardo: (in a rare moment of tenderness with his wife) Tell you what, when I get back, we'll set a weekend just for the two of us. Hum? Wherever you want. You can pick where you want. Okay?
Andreia: (suspicious) Um ... Are you really going alone?
Eduardo: .Of course I will alone. In fact, if my mother didn’t have to stay because of Salvador, she would have gone to. I'm going alone. Of course I will be alone.
Andreia: (seems convinced) Okay. Want some help with your bags?
Eduardo: I do. I'll take a suit and a tie in case of an event. Okay? The rest is casual.
(Carlos comes thundering in the room because he did not know they were there. He is carrying some magazines he had "borrowed" from Eduardo and was hoping to return in his absence before he noticed them missing.)
Eduardo: So Carlos, what’s this?
Carlos:Sorry, Eduardo. I thought you had left.
Eduardo: What is it?
Carlos: I just came to return the magazines that you loaned me.
Eduardo: Which magazines?
Carlos: These, do you not remember I had asked to borrow them?
Eduardo: Ah ... I've been looking for this. So, but ...
Carlos:Well, maybe you were thinking about something else and cannot remember. Sometimes it also happens to me. I say yes, without paying attention, and then ... Well … what cars does it have on there (and points to the magazine).
Eduardo:(laughs) Have you seen? Have you seen the Ferraris in here? A guy could go crazy. Wait. Look at this. I have a friend who has a luxury car rental business. One day we took two of these babies (Ferraris), we went to the race track and did a race that I will never forget.
Carlos: Really? But you can rent one of these?
Eduardo: Oh Carlos, if you have money, you can do everything. Only it's not cheap, is it?
Andreia: (Back in the room) ... Hello Carlos (to Eduardo) the suit, you prefer blue or gray?
Eduardo: It can be blue, please. Thank you. (to Carlos) Take these (magazines) that are older.
Carlos: Thank you. Well, I'll leave. I do not want to bother anymore.
Eduardo: Carlos, take this. (And in a rare act of generosity, Eduardo also gives him the magazine with the Ferrari).
Carlos: Thank you, Eduardo.
Eduardo: Next time, knock on the door, okay?
Carlos: I didn’t know…
Eduardo: Okay.


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