Wednesday, November 13, 2013

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 52 Screencaps & Translations

(Benedita and Tomás are kissing on her sofa, about to go into her bedroom, when there is a knock at the door.  She answers it, surprised to see it is Eduardo.)
Benedita: Eduardo? What are you doing here?
Eduardo: (laughs) Good evening. (Sees Tomás.) So, is this your boyfriend? (With disdain) I was expecting better.

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Tomás: Oh, what is this? Huh?
Benedita: Eduardo, go away.
Tomás: But what is going on here?
Eduardo: (provoking) Hey, you do know that the bed where you are lying down, I used often?
(Tomás punches him in the face.)
Tomás: Who do you think you are, huh?
Benedita: Tomás, stop it.
Tomás: But what is this? Are you joking or what?
Benedita: Go away, Eduardo.
Tomás: You will not threaten her anymore.
(Eduardo leaves.)
(Benedita seems to be worried/feel bad for Eduardo.)
Benedita: You should not have hit him, Tomás.
Tomás: It is he who should not have provoked me. This is who Eduardo is, isn't it?
Benedita: Yes.
Tomás: Well, okay.
Benedita: (not very concerned) ... I'll get you ice.
(Eduardo and Andreia enter the living room and join Teresa and Laura.  Eduardo has mark on his face from where Tomás punched him.)
Andreia: Good morning.
Laura: (noticing Eduardo's face) Eduardo, what have you got on your face?
Eduardo: Nothing. I knocked it on the car door. That's it.
Andreia: You must have come home in a beautiful state. I had to ask him to turn around to the other side. The smell of whiskey was unbearable.
Eduardo: And will you shut up?
Laura: (furious) I thought the days of you staying out until dawn were done. Apparently I was wrong.
Eduardo: Mother, you do not need to worry about a possible scandal. I drank two whiskeys. You know Andreia, she loves to exaggerate. That's it. (changing the subject) You are going to the office now or ...
Laura: No, I still have to read some emails and then I will go to the hospital to see your brother.
Teresa: (to Eduardo) Can I go with you?
(Eduardo nods his head.) 
(Sofia goes to lunch at a fancy restaurant with Amilcar, a publicist who worked with Boheme in the old days. Coincidentally, Laura and Eduardo show up at the same restaurant and do hesitate to provoke Sofia.)
Laura: Amilcar ... I wasn’t expecting to see you here.
Amílcar: I say the same. How long time since we've seen each other?
Laura: Too long.  You never came in to Boheme ...
Amílcar: It was you who decided to hire another agency...
Laura: No. We created a marketing department and started doing things internally. But phone Benedita. Make an appointment. (looking at Sofia) So Sofia? I hear that now you live with Manuel. Hope I'm not breaking any confidences.
Sofia: It’s true, we live together.
Eduardo: I also heard about Sofia's attempt to launch a new brand of shoes. I am curious to know which stores will want them ...
Sofia: I remember you back then and look at you now… You've grown so much ... but only in height...
Eduardo: Be careful, Amilcar. If I were you, I'd ask for the advertising money upfront.
Laura: Come dear, let's have lunch. (To Amilcar) Call me.
Amílcar: All right. I will call Benedita later, to see your availability.
Laura: Do that.
(Laura and Eduardo move off.)


1 comment:

  1. I'm sorry, but the fight and the scene with the face incident really made me laugh...Actually, it wasn't the fact that he got hit, it was what he said about the bed....too funny...Can't wait to see how Eduardo pays Benedita's BF back, which I'm sure he will! :) As always, thanks for posting and thanks for translating "Dina"!
