Friday, November 15, 2013

Diogo in "Notícias TV"

"Notícias TV" caught up with Diogo when he was at Disneyland Paris recently, to promote "Frozen," the new animated Disney movie in which Diogo is the voice of "Kristoff" in the Portuguese version of upcoming film, entitled "Frozen: O Reino do Gelo."  Our always amazing friend Dina graciously translated the interview for us, which can be found right below the article.  
(article courtesy of Notícias TV)
Toys, snowflakes, songs that enter your ear and never leave. This is how Christmas is at Disneyland in Paris.  Notícias TV experienced these first thrills of the season alongside Diogo Morgado.
(By: Nuno Azinheira and Bruno Veiga/Notícias TV (photos), in Paris)

It's easy to get lost in here. "I'm still a kid. I grew up, but I'm still a kid," confesses Diogo Morgado, 32. Behind him, the castle of Sleeping Beauty sets the mood of fantasy.   We are on the outskirts of Paris, at Disneyland, the theme park of the world's most powerful brand of children's entertainment.  We and hundreds of journalists from around the world were invited to the launch of the Christmas season at the park. Everywhere smells like a party. There are decorations to perfection in the streets, Christmas music coming out of each speaker in strategically placed lamps, artificial snow that is falling now, and characters walking around, from the classics, Mickey, Donald and Goofy, to the recent stars from "Frozen: O Reino do Gelo," the new Disney movie for the season.
"This is fantastic, nothing was left to chance. I've been in other Disney parks, but not this one. It's fantastic, everything takes us to this universe of dreams, with joy," said Diogo Morgado to Notícias TV. He will be in "Frozen" as the voice of "Kristoff," a true man of nature and who lives at the top of the mountain to collect ice. "I've already worked with Disney. I was the voice of "Bulldog" in the movie Aviões [Planes] and I have done other voices in some reissues of their classics like Aristocats, among others. It's always a great pleasure because, despite being work, it's almost like going back to basics."  

The Portuguese actor, who has experienced an absolutely crazy year with his success in the miniseries "The Bible" does not hide the fact the he has always had a "great fascination" with the animated films of Disney. "I remember seeing movies at home when I was a kid, and later, with my brother, who is younger than me. I still know some of the passages of "The Little Mermaid" (laughs). "It may be the Disney movie that struck me the most," he admits.  

Around him, Santiago, his four-year-old son, does not relax for a minute. He looks around everywhere with the bright gaze of one his age. "He loves it, he is fanatical, loves the park and wants to walk to all the attractions," he jokes. His first child with Cátia Oliveira, Diogo hopes that he will "be happy" and a "man with values."  "Until that Disney is special and truly intergenerational. There are the classics that we always like to revisit and there are new films. All have a purpose, a lesson, but unlike what usually happens with children's programming, Disney does not present the world as rose-colored. Of course there is magic, of course there are the values ​​of good and evil, of course there are principles, but these films also speak of pain, suffering, because they exist in real life. What's a better example than Bambi, who loses his mother?" he asks.  

The conversation is quiet at the table. Diogo is at ease. Over the course of three days with Portuguese journalists, he does interviews, participates in various photo shoots, talks quietly when the recorders are off. He jokes, participates, not at all the prima donna that the media notoriety last year have made him. "Yes, The Bible was important because the miniseries was a great success, that no one was expecting, but I am still the same as ever. I often say that I am still the same kid who was born on the South Bank with a desire to learn. " To Notícias TV, "Hot Jesus," as even Oprah Winfrey called him ("I confess that I'm a little tired of this title, this joke, but I get that it sticks with the character") does not deny that The Bible has opened several doors. "This did not happen by chance, I worked for it. When I decided I wanted to bet on an international career, I also got an agent outside of Portugal, but still stayed the same actor and did not become different. Just today I have more experience than I've had," says the actor, who can be seen daily in "Sol de Inverno."

"I will always be grateful to SIC for their dedication and the affection with which they have always treated me. SIC bet on me at various stages of my life. In "Amo-te Teresa," in "A Vida Privada de Salazar,"  "Perfeito Coração," "Laços de Sangue", to sum up, it has been a solid relationship, a strong alliance. And that, whatever happens, I’ll never forget," he says.  

The conversation goes long, but Diogo Morgado shows no signs of fatigue. On the agenda, besides his visit to the park in the company of journalists, and the world premiere of Disney's Christmas Dreams, their new Christmas show,  which is interactive, picturesque, very powerful, and presented in Sleeping Beauty's Castle, the actor has other interviews to do. "Look at the time, everyone is waiting for you," he is reminded. Diogo gives a prompt response: "You know how I am, I speak by the elbows." [note: a Portuguese saying meaning "I talk to too much."] "Furthermore, anything for Notícias TV.  I really like your work, you respect the actors and industry professionals. It's a different, special magazine."

It's time for the Disney parade, the parade of stars and characters adorned through the streets and the crowd, which is repeated throughout the day. Rain falls relentlessly, but no one budges, still wide-eyed and bushy tailed. The look on Diogo's face does not lie, "Trust me. I told you, I am a kid..." 

Disney's "Frozen" opens in US movie theaters on November 27th, and you lucky fans in Portugal can hear Diogo in "Frozen" when it opens in movie theaters there on November 28th. 

And as always, thank you to the wonderful Dina for her amazing help with another translation.  Obrigada Dina!  


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