Tuesday, November 12, 2013

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 51 Screencaps & Translations

(Laura and Eduardo enter the office.)
Eduardo: Very briefly, Mother, I think we need to create some sort of penalty for our drivers who speed. We've already been fined 3 times just this month alone.

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Laura: (doesn't have time or interest to care) Do as you wish, Eduardo.
Benedita: Good morning. Here are the documents you requested me to get.
Laura: Thank you, Benedita. (Her cell phone rings, and Laura answers it, heading to her office, leaving Eduardo hanging.)
Eduardo: (to Benedita) What is it? What are you looking at?
Benedita: Need something, Doctor? I'll go make some tea for your mother. Excuse me.
(Benedita leaves and Eduardo also walks away.)
(Benedita is exchanging instant messages with Tomás on her laptop. Eduardo arrives and sees her quickly shut her laptop closed.)
Eduardo: You're all smiles, very cheerful.
Benedicta: Those who does what they love, wake up so every morning.
Eduardo: Um I doubt that ... Must be thrilling to be a secretary. Then bring me a coffee, okay?
Benedicta: Your office is no longer up here. They have a coffee machine downstairs in the hallway.
Eduardo: And do you really think you can ...
(Laura comes running in, very distressed, and interrupts Eduardo.)
Laura: Eduardo, we've got to get to the hospital. Salvador's been hit. (And they rush out of the office, Eduardo awkwardly trying to comfort his Mother.)
(Salvador is in the hospital after saving Margarida from being hit by a car when Luis tried to run her down instead.  At the hospital, the doctor confirms that Salvador is in a coma and they have not yet determined whether the accident has caused neurological damage. Laura embraces Matilde at the exact moment when Sofia is headed towards her daughter, which forces to her to stop short. However, once she sees her mother, Matilde runs to hug her, leaving Laura to console Margarida who cries uncontrollably. Laura gives Matilde permission to visit Salvador, so she follows the doctor into the room, and begs Salvador not to leave her.  During this whole time while waiting, Eduardo's only comment is that he is fed up with hospitals.


1 comment:

  1. I love how a full 25% of each episode is just Eduardo buttoning and unbuttoning his jacket as he enters rooms.
