Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Diogo discusses "Frozen"

Diogo was interviewed by Renato Duarte of Rádio Renascença while he was at Disneyland Paris recently to promote Disney's upcoming animated film, "Frozen," in which Diogo lends his voice to a character in the Portuguese version of the film.  Translation of the interview is found below the video, and thanks as always to Dina.

Renato Duarte (at the 2:14 mark): Diogo, we just watched the special Disney Christmas Parade, which opens this two-month season. Extraordinary isn't it?
Diogo: It is ... It now seems that yes, Christmas starts to settle in. It's like Christmas knocks at the door, and I am up there at the door, all dressed, and say "Come in Christmas, welcome."
Renato: Ready to welcome Christmas in Disneyland, especially because you are part of a big Disney project this Christmas, the new film "Frozen."
Diogo: For me "Frozen" is a return to the great Disney classics. It's those aspects of their noble history -- romance, fun, action, the prince, the princesses, spells, castles. I'm not the prince, but I am the more "cool" character, cuter, more fun, funnier, because he's the poor guy who sells ice there in their land, and suddenly one of the princesses is bewitched with a spell and everything is frozen.  So imagine the problem for a guy who sells ice, to suddenly have ice everywhere.  Takes away his business, right?  Nobody needs his ice. And he is not interested in helping anyone.  He just wants to solve his problem.  And suddenly he stumbles on this adventure, and, of course, then the noble values are realized. The adventure serves as the pretext for the nobleness and values, which is the theme of the great Disney classics.

Disney's "Frozen" opens in US movie theaters on November 27th, and you lucky fans in Portugal can hear Diogo in "Frozen" when it opens in movie theaters there on November 28th.  But!  The rest of us can at least hear Diogo in this trailer for the Portuguese version of the film, which is officially titled "Frozen: O Reino do Gelo."


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