Monday, November 11, 2013

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 50 Screencaps & Translations

(After her argument with Sofia, Laura is very nervous and she runs into Eduardo who is just arriving to see Simão's art exhibition.)
Eduardo: Hello Mother.

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Laura: You are just now arriving, Eduardo?
Eduardo: I had a work meeting that ended late.
Laura: A work meeting ... you may be able to convince your wife with these excuses, but I do not believe these conversations. I'm not aware of any meeting.
Eduardo: Why are you so angry, may I know?
Laura: Come with me because I have a possible buyer for one of the foals.
Eduardo: I'm just going up there to talk to ...
Laura: No! Now come with me.
(At a gathering at a "casa de Fados"/a Portuguese restaurant with Fado music.)
Eduardo: I just hope that no one unwelcomed shows up, Mother.
Eduardo: Sofia. She may come to make a scene, after your argument this afternoon.
Laura: What argument? There was no argument. She came with her boyfriend and her boyfriend's son. She won't try anything.
Laura, Margarida and Eduardo participate in the parade of Horses & Wagons at Feira da Golegã (a Portuguese fair.)

Sol de Inverno_50º Episódio_09.11.2013. by mlubep

By the way, Diogo and his co-stars were interviewed on this week's "E-Especial" about this special episode of "Sol de Inverno," where he once again reaffirmed his love of horses.  :)  Translation of Diogo's part below the short video provided kindly by the always awesome Dina. 

Diogo on "E-Especial" talking about "Sol de... by diogofanfriends

Diogo (at 1:11 mark): I got to experience (the traditional costume) and there is no doubt that a person becomes very elegant [in it.]
Sofia Tavares (interviewer) to Joana Ribeiro/("Margarida"): Did you already teach Diogo how to ride a horse?
(Joana laughs.)
Diogo: This is the part where I go to the bathroom (and he pretends to leave.) Seriously, you're asking that question when you already know the answer. You know I have trouble with horses. Me and horses ... we do not get along ...

Haha, poor Diogo.  But then again, no one can be perfect at everything. :)


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