Monday, November 11, 2013

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 49 Screencaps & Translations

(Laura and Teresa talk in her room.)
Teresa: I came home very tired, but I'm better. Did me good to rest a little.
Laura: You managed to do more in the short time you were at the office today, than what your brother did the entire time he replaced you.
Teresa: Mother, I actually wanted to talk to you about Eduardo. It upsets me to see him down there ... He has almost nothing to do ...
Laura: (conniving) I wanted to scare him ... I'll give him back the responsibilities he had.
Teresa: Good.
Laura: But before that he'll have to prove that he deserves to go back to the position he had.
Teresa: It may be that Andreia's return will change him.
Laura: I hope so. And I hope they are even committed to making their marriage work.

(Andreia and Eduardo are in their room.)

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)

Eduardo: Are you going out?
Andreia: No.
Eduardo: You are dressed ... looks like you're going out ...
Andreia: You're not going to start again, are you? When I was dressed down in so called rags, you teased me because I did not care. And now, when I'm dressing myself up again, you also question me? (changing the subject) How was your day?
Eduardo: Had little to do.
(There is an awkward silence between them, like they do not know what to say to each other.)
Andreia: Eduardo, I am making an effort to make our marriage be as normal as possible. But if you're not up for it, let me know, okay?
Eduardo: My mother suggested we go to couples therapy.
Andreia: I think we would do well.
Eduardo: Yes, so then we'll see. Now if we do go, we have to be very careful about who we go see, okay? I will not talk about my life to just anyone. Well, hurry up. You know that my mother does not like to wait for dinner.
(At breakfast Eduardo complains about his eggs being too spicy. Says he can't eat them. Laura asks Dulce what is happening because this is not the first time this has happened.  Dulce tries to make an excuse, but at Laura's insistence, she ends up confessing that she has lost her senses of smell and taste and the doctor says there is chance of her getting them back. Laura says that she must then hire someone for the kitchen.  Dulce is distraught and begs Laura not to fire her, because she's never had another boss, and her son Carlos grew up in this house.  Laura assures Dulce that she has no intention of firing her. What she wants is to hire someone to help her in the kitchen.

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