Friday, November 8, 2013

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 48 Screencaps & Translations

(Repeat of the last scene of episode 47 with Eduardo and Laura in the library secretly discussing Eduardo's trip to Mexico to get the black market kidney. Then Laura and Eduardo leave the library and head to the table to have breakfast, where Teresa and Andreia are waiting.)

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Teresa: Well ... I thought you'd never get here...
Laura: I was talking to your brother in the library.
Teresa: Something's happened?
Laura: Company matters. I’ll let you know later.
Teresa: Today I'm coming with you to the office.
Eduardo: Well Teresa, I do not see any need to start coming to work everyday.  In fact, there are a lot of things that you can do from home.
Teresa: Stay stuck at home ... so I don't know what I am missing ...
Eduardo: You do know, I was just worried about your condition, nothing more.
Teresa: My condition will be crazy if you do not stop to trying to protect me in this way.
Laura: I also think you should go to the office, but on one condition: if you feel bad you call Carlos and come home immediately.
Teresa: Sure.
 (Laura has just found out that Sofia was at the Frankfurt Expo (for shoe collections/companies) when Eduardo knocks on her office to ask her a question.)
Eduardo: Mother I wanted to ask you a question about fleet vans that need ...
Laura: (interrupting him) Eduardo, I have more to worry about than the fleet vans. That's why I have managers in the departments, so I to not have to worry about these small  problems.
Eduardo: (almost pouting) I just wanted to know your opinion because it involves leases. But okay ... I will proceed with the leases, and all right, I will not bother you more.
Laura: Rui called me a while ago. It seems he saw Sofia at the Frankfurt Expo.
Eduardo: Sofia?
Laura: Apparently she is preparing a big comeback. Created a design firm and Manuel is supposedly helping her.
Eduardo: And you say that so calmly Mother? Sofia could come out ahead of us, you know?
Laura: That will not happen ...
Eduardo: But how can you be so sure? Sofia, whether we like it or not, she has good ideas, she knows this business ...
Laura: You sometimes do not seem to know me, Eduardo. You think I'd let Sophia go ahead with this idea, to the point of making us compete?
Eduardo: So what's your plan?
Laura: Destroy her.
(Benedita is at Boheme and her cell phone rings. It's Tomás, her new boyfriend. But when she goes to answer, Eduardo approaches so she doesn't answer the call.)
Eduardo: So? You're not gonna answer? Was it your boyfriend?
Benedita: Need something, Doctor?
Eduardo: What is his name?
Benedita: I do not think my personal life is your concern.
Eduardo: You know, I'll never forgive you for going talk to my mother, don't you?
Benedita: I'm not expecting you to forgive me. For me, it doesn't matter. I had to protect myself.
Eduardo: You know what? You are an opportunist. No need to play the poor girl act now.
Benedita: If I was an opportunist I would have continued to be your lover, taken advantage of that,and not let it bother me. But I seriously liked you, Eduardo. God knows why...
(And she walks away, leaving Eduardo with nothing to say.)

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