Thursday, November 7, 2013

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 47 Screencaps & Translations

(Eduardo goes to the restaurant to talk with Andreia.)
Andreia: Sorry, but we're closed.
Eduardo: I need to talk to you.

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Andreia: I'm working, I have nothing to say to you. And if you think you can come in here every day to humiliate me, I will not allow it.
Eduardo: Calm down, okay? I need to talk to you, but I also want to talk to you, hmm? Well, I'm going to get right to the point. You know me too well, I'm not beating around the bush, so ... (and he says it very quickly as if to get the words out before he can change his mind) I miss you and want you to come back home.
(Andreia stares fixedly at him, surprised.)
Eduardo: You hear correctly. I am willing to give you another chance. Forget the betrayal, abortion and ...
Andreia: (interrupting; suspiciously) What happened to make you come here and have this conversation?
Eduardo: I lost my head completely when I learned of abortion, okay? I freaked out. Now I'm calmer and finally realized that I should not have kicked you out of the house. What we should have done was sit and talk like two adults, right? All marriages have difficult times, don't they? We've also had our share. Now I also think that we did not do enough to make our marriage work.
Andreia: Eduardo…
Eduardo: Think about it! Think carefully before you say anything else. What did you win by our separation? Hmm?  You don't live in your own home, you're here working in a restaurant ...
Andreia: Nothing wrong with that.
Eduardo: (laughs) Okay! Fine! Okay! Continues to tell that to everyone, pretend you love working here. I know you very well. I know who you are and this is not you ... Think about it, hmm? Come home with me, stop working, and you can continue to live the lifestyle that you've always had. What more do you want more?
Andreia: I want things to be different.
Eduardo: Look, I do too. I also want things to be different. Now we have to assume that the things we said to each other, well ... let's just forget them. Let's try again? What do you say?
(Eduardo comes home with Andrea and Teresa is surprised because she was not expecting to see her.)
Andreia: You seem surprised.
Teresa: And I am. But very glad to see you.
Andreia: Coming from you, I'm sure it's sincere.
Eduardo: Well, I have to go respond to emails from work, and I will take your suitcase to the room.
Andreia: (very sweet) Do that my love, please, thank you.
(Eduardo speaks with his mother in her office.)
Laura: I was very glad to know you were able to convince Andrea to come home. I hope not to have any more surprises from you.
Eduardo: You can rest assured, mother. Not going to have a repeat.
Laura: Try, now, to keep some health in your relationship, so that you don't have to resort to couples therapy. 
Eduardo: There will be no need for therapy.
Laura: Given the sad events of last night, I think you also should seek help from a psychologist. This marriage is to last. Are we clear?
Eduardo: (ignoring that question) Any news on the transplant? Do you know when I have to go to Mexico?
Laura: No. As soon as I know something, I'll let you know.
Eduardo: And you already told Teresa what we are doing?
Laura: No. I'll tell her only when we are sure that things are all handled. Until then I prefer to keep quiet, otherwise she will refuse to go.
Eduardo: Okay.
(Laura is on the phone in the library.)
Laura: I am very glad to know that. Of course. Everything is still as we agreed. My son Eduardo will fly to Mexico and is set to handle the details. Sure. Everything remains as agreed. Good day.
(Meanwhile, Eduardo enters and overhears the conversation)
Eduardo: So?
Laura: When you go to Mexico you'll take half the money that was agreed upon.
Eduardo: Half? But take it how? In a suitcase? You know that it is illegal.
Laura: Son, I cannot do an international wire transfer for this. It could be investigated. Come, come, let's have breakfast.


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