Tuesday, November 5, 2013

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 45 Screencaps & Translations

(Eduardo and Benedita argue in his office.)

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Eduardo: If there is anything I'm not being Benedita, it is silly. So do not deceive me. I stood at the door of your home for at least an hour. Only your sister came from there. Where did you sleep?
Benedita: I am not obligated to answer questions about my personal life.
Eduardo:  No, do not play with me. Tell me what it was. You were with him again, is that it?
Benedita: I don't owe anyone an explanation, Eduardo.
Eduardo: (very angry) Why do you speak to me like that? To annoy me, is it?
Benedita: No. I never would give myself such work.
Eduardo: I'm no longer with Andreia. Isn't that what you wanted?
Benedita: Now? Now whatever. You just came looking for me because she left home, did you not?
Eduardo: It was not that she left home.  I kicked her out of the house.
Benedita: Too late, Eduardo. I gave you several opportunities. Even more than I should have given.
Eduardo: But I explained to you. I needed time to organize my life.
Benedita: Even more time than I gave? I do not like to be made a fool of. I'm glad I have someone who likes me, who treats me well and I do not have to share with anyone else.
Eduardo: Get out. Get out. Start looking for another job. You're not gonna be here much longer.
(Benedita goes and complains to Laura, about constantly being upset and threatened by Eduardo, and she is forced to confess that she had an affair with him, but she never wanted to take advantage of that for any kind of power or new position. Benedita also admits that she believed he would leave Andreia to be with her, but now the situation is unbearable, and she is just asking to keep the job she loves so much. Laura ensures Benedita that her place in the company is not in danger and she promises to talk to Eduardo as soon as she resolves another urgent matter in hand. Benedita leaves, and Laura strives to not explode from her extreme anger at her son.)
(Laura calls Eduardo in to her office to talk to him.)
Laura: (as if she was giving him big/good news) You'll be responsible for the fleet.
Eduardo: Mom, I am responsible for the commercial and marketing departments. I do not know if I can do everything at the same time.
Laura: (with an air of enjoyment) You will only be dealing with the fleet. You’ll move to the floor below. It may be that this change of position will help you to control your testosterone to stay away from Benedita, but if not, you’ll end up at the factory making shoes.
Eduardo: What did she tell you, Mom?
Laura:  I prefer not to talk about this. I'm doing this is just to avoid further scandals. If we put Benedita on the street, or if you keep terrorizing her to say goodbye, she is more likely to run out of money and will end up selling this story to magazines, or accuses you of harassment and takes us all to court.
Eduardo: But Mom, it makes no sense to move me away from the board because of a ...
Laura: A what?
Eduardo: Oh Mother, a ...
Laura: (insists) A what? Eduardo, tje blame here is all yours. Do you not understand that you're the bad guy in this story? You were married and you led her on. My decision is made. They are waiting for you in the new department.
Eduardo: I will not go Mom, I will not go.
Laura: It is not optional, Eduardo. I have bigger issues to handle than to be dealing with your nonsense.
Eduardo: Mother, I have always done everything for you. I have always been on your side. This is how you thank me?
Laura: (She doesn’t answer him. Looks at her ringing cell phone.) It’s an important call. Get out.
(Eduardo leaves.)
(Eduardo goes to Laura's office so they can head home together, but she is not there.  So he calls her.)
Eduardo: It's me, Mom. So? Are you ready? I'm here in your office.
Laura: I just got home.
Eduardo: Oh Mother, I know we're not on the same floor, but you could have told me you were going to leave early, couldn't you?
Laura: We'll talk, Eduardo. Until then.
Eduardo: I'll leave now, then. Kisses.
(Later at home, in her office, Laura and Eduardo talk.)
Laura: Teresa now has a compatible donor.
Eduardo: How much do we have to pay?
Laura: That is the least of my worries right now. What worries me is that this donor is in Mexico. So I want you to go to Mexico, talk with the medical team, and assess the conditions of the clinic.
Eduardo: (interrupts hid mother) I don't want to go to Mexico. I do not want to go to Mexico. And I'm also sure that Teresa does not want a illegal transplant.
Laura: When all is ready, she will accept it. Don’t say anything for now.
Eduardo: Oh, don't say anything. Alright. I will say nothing. But there is one issue I wanted to talk to you about, Mother. It's these new duties I have, they take very little time. I do not need to go to Boheme everyday to control the fleet.
Laura: So son, enroll in a gym, whatever. Do something, anything. Enjoy.
Eduardo: (trying to "bargain" with his mother) Or, when I get back from Mexico, I could return to my position, at my old job.
Laura: (realizing what he is doing) We will talk about it then...

Sol de Inverno_45º Episódio_04.11.2013. by mlubep

Oh what a tangled web we weave, LOL.  Obrigada again and again to Dina for translating all these scenes for us for each episode.  You are amazing, Dina!  Thank you!  Big hugs!


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