Friday, November 1, 2013

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 42 Screencaps & Translations

(Eduardo and Laura return to the office after the Boheme charity runway show.)
Eduardo: The press was impressed by the amount of the donation.
Laura: It was meant to impress.

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Eduardo: But the fashion show was a little embarrassing, Mother. Because the models were horrible. Few had done a runway before. But well, all were happy to take pictures.
Laura: The important thing is that our name be redeemed by all of this.
Eduardo: Ah, because of that, I spoke with some journalists and promised them that we'd take them next year to Paris, to the fashion show.
Laura: You did well. You did very well.
(Margarida arrives and says she needs to talk her Mother now.)
(Andreia has returned to the house to get her stuff. She and Eduardo enter the bedroom)
Eduardo: Come in. I asked Dulce to put the rest of your stuff in bags.
Andreia: (barely able to contain himself, seeing her stuff in plastic bags) Well, I want you to know that I'm not going to create problems with regards to the divorce. Right now I need a house, the car is already in my name and in relation to support, if you give me 3000 per month, I promise I'm not going to make your life difficult.
Eduardo: (laughing) Yeah, yeah, okay. Well I just want you to know if I have have anything to do with it, you're not going to receive anything. This is because the divorce will be for adultery. Margarida saw you wrapped up with Luis and is willing to testify in court, if necessary.
Andreia: That's a lie. And Margarida is your sister. Obviously she will only say that so you won't have to give me any money.
Eduardo: Either way, you'll get out of this marriage without a penny.
Andreia: And if you’ll do this, I'll tell all the magazines that you hit me.
Eduardo: (laughing) I think it's cute. Trying to turn it into a funny circus. Because nobody will want to know your story, you know why? Who's going to listen to a dumb model at the end of her career, looking for attention?
Andreia: I have not stayed beside you all these years to leave here empty-handed.
Eduardo: Anyway, you will leave with what you came with.
Andreia: Well get ready. Get ready because I'm not gonna leave it at that.
Eduardo: What are you gonna do? Hum? You're going to hire a lawyer? If you had money, I might believe that. Wait, wait, wait, I know! You're going to pay him in another way ... Now I think it’ll be difficult because at your age, you're at bargain basement prices, aren't you?
(Andreia slaps him.)
Eduardo: Um ... You can you hit me, you can insult me​​, you can do whatever you want. I will not make the mistake of responding.
(Eduardo opens the door and Andreia leaves.)
(Luis (Margarida's coach/former secret lover who also tried to seduce Andreia and stole their horse) leaves Laura’s home office and finds Eduardo and Margarida in the living room.)
Luís: Good luck, Margarida, for the next competitions. Your mother wants to talk to you now.
Margarida: What lies did you tell her?
Luís: None ... I even had the bill from when you were in the hospital, to prove to her that what I said is true.
Eduardo: You need to keep walking out of here, because I cannot stand to even hear your voice.
Luís: I will leave when I have finished talking to Margarida.
Eduardo: Oh yeah? It would be so easy (and approaches Luis as if he is about to hit him.)
Margarida: (holding Eduardo back) Eduardo stop. Stop it.
Laura: (coming in the room) What is going on here? Stop, Eduardo.
Luís: Your son gets out of control easily.
Eduardo: Hey you, you get out of here. (as Laura tries to calm him down) Oh Mother, seriously.
(Luís finally leaves.)
Laura: Calm down, calm down. The situation is already complicated, do not make things worse, okay?

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