Thursday, October 31, 2013

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 41 Screencaps & Translations

(After dinner Laura and Eduardo are in the living-room having a drink when Matilde and Salvador come home.)
Laura: Is everything okay dears?
Salvador: Yes. It's great.
Laura: I was worried when you didn’t show up for dinner. But anyway, I know you have important issues to resolve ...
Matilde: Yes, those issues are already resolved.
Eduardo: So, and how is the situation with having a baby with another woman? Huh?

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Laura: (cannot believe he just said that) Do not be inconsiderate, Eduardo.
Salvador: We have already decided, and we will get married. Now let's wait until the baby is born for me to do a paternity test to prove that I'm not the father. Matter resolved.
Laura: (gets up, irritated) I'm glad that Matilde is being practical. I'm going to bed.
Salvador: We are too.
Matilde: Good night.
(Eduardo, left alone in the living room, finishes his drinks and laughs to himself.)
(The next morning Salvador and Margarida talk at the breakfast table. Eduardo joins them.)
Eduardo: Good morning.
Salvador/Margarida: Good morning.
Eduardo: So, where is Mom?
Margarida: She got up and left. Had to be at the office early because of Boheme’s show.
Eduardo: Really? She could have told me. I could have gotten up early, couldn't I?
Margarida: Look, but if you even wanted to go with Mom, you would have woken up early.
Eduardo: Oh little brat, did someone ask you? Does anyone want your opinion?
(Margarida and Salvador laugh.)
Salvador: I’ve missed your good mood in the morning.
Margarida: Yes, I believe that. At home with you and Matilde, it should only be peace and love.
Eduardo When do you go back home?
Salvador: Hopefully today. If all goes well, we will have the infiltration problem fixed.
Margarida: Already?
Salvador: Already.
(Later at Boheme, Eduardo angrily approaches Benedita's desk.)
Eduardo: Benedita, can you tell me why you scheduled a meeting with customers from Porto this morning?
Benedita: It was you who asked me to..
Eduardo: If you were not so incompetent, you would know that I have a show now, and for the time being it’s impossible for me to be in two places at once.
Benedita: I apologize, maybe I heard wrong. Or "Dr." forgot that he had the show when he asked me to schedule this meeting.
Eduardo: I have forgotten absolutely nothing.
(Laura, arrives, overhears and interrupts the conversation.)
Laura: Well, it seems there was a misunderstanding here. It happens. Reschedule the meeting for later.
Benedita: Okay.
Laura: (talking to Eduardo as they walk toward the elevator) I hope this charity show will at least solve the problem we had with the new collection.

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