Wednesday, October 30, 2013

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 40 Screencaps & Translations

(Note: technically "Eduardo's" first scene in this episode is actually just a repeat of his scene at the end of yesterday's episode with Salavador and Matilde, so I am not re-posting that.)

(Laura arrives home after returning from her trip to London, that everything thinks she went to for the Milan Expo.  She talks to Salvador and Matilde, who then leave as Eduardo enters the room.)
Eduardo: Mother, I did not know you were back.
Laura: How are you?
Eduardo: I'm fine, thanks. And how did it go in Milan?
Laura: (mysteriously and vague) I will tell you everything.

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)

(Laura talks with Eduardo in her home office and tells him that Salvador's ex-girlfriend has reappeared, and is pregnant.)
Eduardo: I'd expect anything other than something like this. Bastard. (referring to Salvador). That guy ... I imagine he must be completely devastated, thinking his world is going to end.
Laura:And this afternoon he asked Matilde to marry him.
Eduardo: (surprised, but happy at his brother's unfortunate timing) He did not! What a great nuisance. But this had to have been before knowing about all of it (re:ex-girlfriend's pregnancy), right? (seeing the look on his mother's face) I know that look ... Mother. You do not show it but inside you must be beaming. Matilde will not stay with Salvador if another woman is carrying his baby.... hmm Mother?

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