Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Diogo in "Uma Voz ACTIVA contra a Violência Doméstica"

Diogo is among several Portuguese actors, musicians, journalists, and athletes who appear in an anti-domestic violence campaign sponsored by ACTIVA magazine, called "Uma Voz ACTIVA contra a Violência Doméstica" ("An Active Voice against Domestic Violence.")

(images courtesy of Activa.pt)

As November 25th is the "International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women," this cause and important campaign are also discussed in the November issue of "ACTIVA" magazine. Our friend Dina was once again kind enough to translate Diogo's part of the article, which can be found right below the article itself.

 (Sign says:) "Violence is the weapon of the mediocre."
"There are many things we cannot control in life, but violence is not one of them.  It's something we can and should intervene, and as a public figure I can draw attention to this cause, I do so without hesitation.  I'm against violence, whether against women or other people.  It is essential to teach children early on about this issue, because they are the adults of tomorrow."


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