Thursday, October 17, 2013

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 29 Screencaps & Recap

(FYI, Dina had some extra time today, so as a special, rare treat, she translated "Eduardo's" scenes from this episode for us instead of the traditional recap!  Obrigada Dina!)

Eduardo: The communications department gave me a list of associations that can support in this show. There are over 30.

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Laura: We want the support of those with the most visibility. At-risk children, adolescents, pregnant women, whatever. What is important is that the press speaks of the Boheme spirit of solidarity and commitment.
(The phone rings. Teresa is calling to say that the hospital phoned to say they want her to go there today to begin preparations for the transplant, so Eduardo also has to go. Laura is very happy with the news.)
L: (to Eduardo) The hospital called. You have to go there now.
E: (apprehensively) Finally!
L: Your initial cowardliness disappointed me a lot. But now, son, I want you to know that I am very happy you are going to save save Teresa.
E: I know that. I would never do anything to hurt Teresa. I was scared at first. That's all.
L: I'll be by your side. I will make sure that everything goes well.
E: Not that I don't think that it will be okay. Of course it will. Well, I'm going to my office.
L: (without an ounce of affection toward her son) Okay. (after an awkward silence in which neither seems to know what to say) Eduardo, I hope Manuel will give me an answer tomorrow.
E: Mother, you know I never liked Manuel, but Manuel is in no position to refuse, is he?
L: He was talking to Sofia. I hope this tension creates some problems for the two. (again, not knowing what to say, Eduardo leaves.)

(Eduardo is on the internet researching everything about kidney transplants, when Andreia presses him to pack and go to the hospital.)
A: You're not going to pack for you to go be with your sister at the hospital?
E: Did you know that people, who have only one kidney, must check their blood pressure everyday and do regular blood tests?
A: And then? Purchasing a machine to check the pressure, that you do at home. It's a simple thing. Everyone should do it.
E: It is very simple ... For you everything is very simple. Look, you could at least pretend that you care about me, since I'm your husband and I am not exactly a machine you can swap pieces.
A: Everything will be fine ... Hurry up ... Do not keep your sister waiting.
E: Coming. I want to be alone for a bit.
A: Your head is so complicated ... It's Teresa who's at risk, not you. Well, I'll walk. I'll go be with her at the hospital.
(Eduardo is driving in his car when his phone rings. He answers it, it is his mother.)
E: Yes, mother. Yes, I know. I'm on my way. Do not worry. I'm in traffic ... you know ... at this time ...
(But Eduardo's not in traffic... he gets out of his car at a cliff, watches the sea, looking very worried.)
(In the hallway of the hospital, the doctor says that if Eduardo does not arrive soon, they will have to reschedule the surgery for another time. Laura asks for more time. Another hour. But Eduardo finally appears.)
E: I am here.
L: (aggressive) Where were you?
E: I got stuck behind an accident and my phone ran out of battery too.
L: (even more aggressive) You could have let us know. Teresa is waiting. Come on.
(They go into Teresa's room.)
Teresa: So, mother, why didn't anyone tell me anything?
L: He's arrived!
E: Sorry I'm late ...
Margarida: Didn't she tell you? Everyone was nervous and we shouldn't have been at all.
A: (dryly) We thought you had already fled.
E: I would never do such a thing.
T: Are you ready?
(Eduardo nods his head.)
Doctor: Come with me, please.
(Eduardo looks at his mother, hurt, and then follows the doctor out.)

(Sol de Inverno_29º Episódio_16-10-2013_ by mlubep )


1 comment:

  1. I have grown to LOVE this show! I can't believe I watch this, even before we get the translations. You really don't have to have it translated a lot of the time. You still know what is happening. I have been watching some on the website and the later ones, which aren't up here yet, Diogo does a wonderful job of acting. Especially in the hospital scenes with his, Eduardo's, mother and wife. I'm starting to feel sorry for him, so it's REALLY good acting for sure!!!! (However, I've always liked Eduardo, even with his flaws)
    Once again thanks "Dina" for the translations!
