Friday, October 18, 2013

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 30 Screencaps & Recap

(FYI, Dina had some extra time today, so as a special, rare treat, she translated "Eduardo's" scenes from this episode for us instead of the traditional recap!  Obrigada Dina!)
(In the operating room, the medial staff prepare Teresa and Eduardo for the transplant. Before they place the anesthesia mask on Eduardo, Teresa asks them to wait and says to her brother):
Teresa: Whatever happens, thanks.
(Eduardo awakens from anesthesia after the surgery and his family is at his side to support him, but as usual, the mood is distant, almost "forced"... But Eduardo still tries to please his mother and be funny....)

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Laura: Hello son.
Eduardo: So ...
Laura: How are you?Eduardo: I'm fine .... (kidding). I'm lighter ...(laughs).
Margarida: At least you still have your sense of humor.
Andreia: Did it hurt?
Eduardo: No. I have no pain. They also said they would put some painkillers in my IV. So ... I'm ... well (gestures like someone who is drugged, laughs). They also said that in the first few days, when I go home, I'll have to stay on bedrest.
Andreia: It will be beautiful. The two of us together at home.
Eduardo: Then you'll have an excellent opportunity to take care of me.
Andreia: Men when they are sick are poor little things.
Laura: Have they said when you can leave, son?
Eduardo: No. But I don't think it is more than a day or two.

Eduardo: Mother ... how is Teresa? Laura: Teresa is well. We can not see her yet. Salvador: You look good, Eduardo. Nobody would know that you spent so many hours here. Nurse (when she enters the room): So many people. Laura: We are already on our way out. Eduardo:This is like the mafia, Mrs. nurse. Laura: I'll give you the phone. If you need anything, call, okay?
Eduardo: Mother ... (it looks like he will say something more, but he simply says) could bring me some newspapers and magazines for me to read, please?
Simão: Do you want my tablet to watch movies? Eduardo: Good idea. Margarida: I can bring mine. I have many series and movies on it. Eduardo: No, I prefer his (laughs). I'm kidding (with pained face). Either one.

Laura: Shhh. Until tomorrow (she gives a kiss to her son, who is looking at her as if to ask for one more kiss, some more affection.)
Salvador: Feel better.
Andreia: (once they are alone) You did well... I never thought ...
Eduardo: (sarcastically) I see that you hold me in high regard.
Andreia: I've had more, but I've had less. So you ought to feel good.
Eduardo: That's it? Come on ... You're not going to give me a kiss?
Andreia: I do not remember the last time you asked me for a kiss (she kisses him).
Andreia: I hope you recover quickly.
Eduardo: Me too.
Andreia: Maybe it’s better I get going before the nurse puts me out on the street.
Eduardo: (smiling) Go ...
Andreia: See you tomorrow.
Eduardo: See you tomorrow.

See you tomorrow for the next episode, hee, and thanks again, as always, to the wonderful Dina who makes this all possible!

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