Thursday, October 17, 2013

Diogo on "SIC Noticias" discussing "Son of God"

Diogo was on "SIC Noticias"(news) today to discuss "Son of God," the new theatrical cut of "The Bible" focusing on the story of Jesus, which opens in US theaters on February 28, 2014.  Our amazing friend Dina was kind enough to translate this awesome interview for us, which can be found right below the video.

(interview/video courtesy of SIC Noticias)

Host (H): Hello Diogo Morgado.
DM: Good afternoon.

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
H: This should have an actor in heaven, right?
DM: An actor in heaven? Maybe, maybe. Makes me very happy and very proud, no doubt. It is the best way to celebrate and finish a project that was unique to me in my life, no doubt.
H: Is it a surprise, or is this normal after such success of a series?
DM: It's a surprise, it is a surprise. I think it was a surprise to many people. For me it was, certainly. And I think that it was also for the producers, because the first time I heard of this project, it was designed for a cable channel, and initially would be a fictionalized documentary, and it grew and grew, until what it is today. It was an unexpected success culminating in this film. This movie has many scenes that were not included in the series, which will be shown and will be treated differently. The post production was done from scratch, as if it were a completely new film adapted for the big screen. 
H: Biblical works have great popularity, for obvious reasons. We are now here a year later, which allows us to have a more critical, more analytical view about all this. Then there are those works which, in addition to the popularity of the typical Biblical works, these reach a different level. Why?  Can you find an explanation for this?
DM: Why the success?
H: Yes.
DM: I think it has a lot to do with the fact that today with various technologies, these obviously in the film world, allow directors and producers to tell the story exactly how it can be told with the best visual effects. After the "story telling" and writing, the writers have a need that is expected by these new audiences.  That is, we have a generation of the last 15-20 years who grew up as I and many of us did, watching movies like "The Ten Commandments," and "Moses," therefore those epic films still linger in our memory today.
H: Do you think this kind of approach comes more directly from the people?
DM: It's a new look... the same story is then adapted, prepared and shown in order to reach the audience. It is much more effective, no doubt.
H: The series was done about a year ago, what has changed in your career?
DM: What has changed in my career? I guess not much has changed. Perhaps changed the number of viewers who today communicate with me, who know of my existence.  In terms of the work itself, in its execution, not much has changed. Maybe I have more people working with me in other countries, maybe I get letters from Shanghai, which I've never received in my life or thought I would receive, but in everyday life, things have not changed much .
H: It opened a new market for you?
DM: Yes , of course it did, without a doubt. That is, the fact that I am known in the world, not only the public, but the industry itself. I am fortunate now that my work has been seen throughout the world. It's also known by directors and producers, and this allows for more job opportunities arise.
H: We can say that the American industry, which clearly dominates the medium, is conquered?
DM: (laughs ) I've never seen things as "conquered." But yes, it's good.
H: It's a climb, so it's an achievement.
DM: Yes, you could say that. But I never saw it that way. It is a progressive achievement of a normal job and not the result of an ambitious objective to conquer that medium. Things eventually happen in a very natural way and it still makes me happier for it to be as a result of my work and not by my will or a concrete goal of mine. So, to that extent, yes, no doubt it is a very good thing.  The U.S. market is a market that stands out in the world. The film productions in the United States are productions of excellence, are seen by many people around the world. And being able to be a part of it in some way, it is a privilege.
H: Do you think that this has somehow changed the image of the Portuguese actor, long associated with a certain way of acting?
DM: I think so. One of the things that amazed me in this whole process and this project was one thing with which I had not even thought about when I was filming the series, was the feedback that I got and still get from the Portuguese people. I think we definitely have to stop being small.
H: But then what is that saying?
DM: They say "but in fact we can also do things at the level of the best in the world," "is it possible?" And it is possible. We just have to not give up, to believe in what we do every day and be the best at what we do.
H:  But in addition to the quality of the actor, is the difference in the machine?
DM: Yes, the machine changes. But the machine also changes due to the conditions it is a part of. We here are 10-11 million and the United States are more than 10-11 million, and that makes all the difference. Because what we do turns out to be a product that is consumed by people, and that creates a financial return that allows for future projects. That does happen in other countries like Portugal. But at the level of quality and excellence, in terms of human and technical quality of work, we are at the same level, we are on an equal footing.
H: and to you personally, what does this do?
DM: me ... Made me even more proud. And to know that a lot of the times in which we ask, is it worth it, I wonder if someone will appreciate what I'm doing, the answer is yes. There's always someone, even if it's just one person, who will notice the extra that we gave, and at the right time, it will be worth it. 
H: The image that Diogo Morgado has is humility, before all this extraordinary success. It is essential now to keep your feet on the ground?
DM: I don't know if it's essential because I don't think about it. It's essentially the way I was raised by my parents, so I feel comfortable in my own skin.
H: Cope well with the nickname "Hot Jesus?"
DM: (laughs) if I cope well? I don't know. I wasn't expecting it. If we stop to think, and I personally have no doubt that it was the work that moved me, since I do what I do, and I'm still digesting things that happened on the set of the series, that doesn't sit well with a nickname like Hot Jesus.  One thing does not go with the other. Jesus is one thing, an entity, who represents so many things that have nothing to do with a physical connotation or attractiveness, or whatever.
H: Although for an actor I imagine this is trivial to be recognized just for having a beautiful body.
DM: It's not a matter of being trivial. It's nice. Obviously I'm happy with it, because it's more a term of fondness, of affection. But I don't like to hide what's essential.
H: But deep down it's not bad.
DM: (laughs) It's not bad.
H: Diogo, thank you very much.
DM: Thank you.  (And thank YOU, Dina, as always, for the translation!) 

Make sure to check out "Son of God's" website, and mark your calendars for February 28, 2014.  :)



  1. HD cameras were literally invented for Diogo. He is an OBSCENELY beautiful being.

  2. Wow!! That was really good! Thanks for posting it and translating!

  3. I am beyond stoked for Son of God! This is an answer to prayer. After seeing Mel Gibson's passion of the Christ I prayed they'd make another film that was just as powerful and moving but that actually showed Jesus talking and his life and how he interacted with month later The Bible miniseries came out and it was exactly what I'd wanted to see. Now they're bringing it to the big screen and making it even better. I'm totally thrilled about all of this. :)

  4. The ONLY thing I am dreading about "Son of God" is the 927 times we are destined to hear/read "hot Jesus."

    1. Exactly....wish that would run its course for sure!

    2. It has run its course and now they are dragging it out and running over it again and again. I felt so bad for Diogo when it came up and he ran his hand through his hair and looked down. I seriously think the term needs to die in 2013, and unlike the real Jesus, NOT be resurrected! LOL, sorry, it's just really tired and annoying and bad journalism to me.

    3. I agree Sara. I've looked at a lot of interviews where this comes up and I cringe and don't know how he can stomach this any longer, but of course, he's the professional and handles it so well.

  5. I have 2 complaints about this interview…
    …1 – As good as this interview was, I found it cold! Poor Diogo, sitting all the way other there by himself. I felt like jumping into the screen, pulling up a chair and sitting with him. It kinda felt like one of those, “h---e---l---l---o---o---v---e---r---t---h---e---r---e” type things!
    …2 – the interview itself talked about the movie “Son of God”. So, this is me looking into the future…this movie will probably make mega $$$$, in turn Diogo will make mega $$$$, he’ll realize that he’s got enough to support himself, family, kids, and even grand kids, and he decides to RETIRE!!!! We’ll be on the losing end and not see Diogo’s talent anymore! Imagine that! :o(

    1. With respect, I am not sure we even saw the same interview or are fans of the "same" Diogo. I mean, I get wanting to hug him LOL, but I so didn't find this interview as cold, I have to respectfully disagree with you. Yes, he was sitting far away, but this was a NEWS program, not a talk show, so he was at the news desk, so the positioning is actually common in news. In my humble opinion, here they did it so they would have "room" to cut to the clips they showed with Diogo still talking on the right side of the screen and so that they could do a "cool" wide angle shot of the two of them with the huge screen behind the Anchor that had Diogo as Jesus as said "Diogo Morgado." To me, an Anchor isn't ever going to be the "warmest" of interviewers, but Diogo smiled so much in this interview and was so engaging, relaxed and giving in his answers that he more than made up for that.

      As for your second comment, again with respect, I have to respectfully disagree. And maybe you were joking, and if so, my bad LOL. But, we all hope the movie IS a huge hit, because it should be for one, and B), because it will lead to even more opportunities for Diogo. I literally cannot imagine your scenario, as I have to say, it is the least likely thing to happen if you know anything about Diogo. Forget that unless you're Tom Cruise or Brad Pitt, actors don't get paid extra/after a movie comes out and is a hit, Diogo is a man who has repeatedly said in interviews he can't even take a vacation for longer than a few days because he HAS to be working. This is a man who in many interviews has given every indication that he is SO NOT motivated by money or fame, so when the movie is a big hit, it will not change Diogo. All it will change is how lucky we are, because we will get to see him in MORE projects on the big screen and in roles other than Jesus. That is nothing to complain about. :)

    2. I love Mark Burnett and Roma Downey and fully believe they are doing God's work. I'm sure they made a lot of money on the mini-series The Bible, and rightfully so. I know their budget was tight and can't help but feeling that the actors were not paid all that much. (Not like in a big-budget film.) Since Son of God is a re-cut of The Bible, I have a feeling that Diogo may not be paid much more even though in my opinion his performance is worth MILLIONS! I recall Diogo saying in an interview in response to someone hinting he probably made a lot of money with The Bible that it had made a lot of money FOR THE PRODUCERS.
      Sara, I agree with you that money and fame are not what drive Diogo. That being said, I firmly hope that Diogo and the other actors will be generously rewarded for The Son of God. I can hardly wait for February!!

  6. Diogo was chosen for this role by God himself...through Roma/Mark and their prayer circle..this is an important
    and essential thing to remember. We can laugh about this or minimize, but God does choose certain people a
    a vessel to make his message known. So what Diogo does from here on out with his life and choice of roles
    is vital, as he obviously has had a renewed calling on his life...I hope he knows this..and chooses wisely...he seems like a very humble, and gentle soul...thus, why God chose this time, this age, this hour, to represent Jesus in this mini series. Diogo himself said that he was a vessel for this message that God used..
    Thank-you Diogo for opening up yourself to this role; you are a skilled and gifted actor and a lovely and
    gracious human being. Hope to see you in more roles about the human/spiritual condition...while other roles may come and go..your acting in the bible will particularly be memorable in peoples hearts and live on because it is about the spirit of man...our relationship to God...every time I watch it I see something new...and am again will never be boring or old, or uninteresting....what country you come from is unimportant...we are all God's children...and can all reveal his message...may the love of Christ shine on you Diogo and guide you
    as you head into the future. Can't wait to see the Sons of God.....millions will watch again..amazing..and a
    supreme honor for all the actors/directors....nothing happens by coincidence...Blessings...
