Wednesday, October 16, 2013

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 28 Screencaps & Recap

Laura praises the police inspector for their work which led to the recovery of their prized horse Guerreiro (Warrior), surprised by their swift and effective action.  Eduardo is already considering the opportunity to sell the horse again, but Teresa thinks it's better to wait for Margarida, since she rides/loves the horse. 

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Margarida comes home right then and is nervous to see the inspector is there. However, eventually she calms down after learning that there were no evidence to incriminate Luis or any other employee who works on the farm.  But Laura still fires Ivan, upon learning that the stable worker had tried to take some of the equipment, even though he too had been exonerated of any responsibility in the theft of Guerreiro.  Although Eduardo finds it strange because he hadn't heard of any stolen equipment, he agrees, as always, with his mother, and says it is best to nip it in the bud.  Teresa fears that their mother's decision is too hasty, but she accepts it.

Manuel's cell phone starts ringing and he answers it, surprised to discover that it is Laura calling. She speaks with great sympathy and asks him to come see her the next day, saying that she has a proposal for him.  Eduardo hears the mother’s conversation on the phone, and is surprised by his mother's invitation to their former chief financial officer, because he is Sofia’s friend.  Laura reminds him to one must keep their friends close, and their enemies closer.  Eduardo is unsure of his mother's intentions and meaning...

Eduardo continues to try to convince his mother not to pay the premium productivity bonus Salvador promised to the factory staff.  But Laura says, very dryly, that her decision is made.  So Eduardo changes the subject and asks if Manuel gave her an answer to the job offer she made him.  Laura says she is expecting his response anytime now, and believes that he will say yes because he needs the job.  

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