Tuesday, October 15, 2013

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 27 Screencaps & Recap

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(photos courtesy of SIC)

On their way to the office, in the car being driven by Carlos, Eduardo asks his mother why she wants to do an internal audit of the company.  Laura explains that the losses of the last year were too big and they have to figure out where to they can make cuts. When they get to the office, Eduardo notices that Sofia is working as a cleaning woman and Laura smiles triumphantly.  Without hesitation, Laura tells Eduardo that she cannot miss this opportunity, and she goes up to Sofia to humiliate her, telling her that finally she got a job that suits her.  Eduardo takes a picture of Sofia with his phone to add to the humiliation. 

Eduardo then accompanies his mother into the office. Laura enters Boheme cursing Sofia and asks Benedita for coffee, saying she feels a headache coming on.  Eduardo lets his mother go to her office and tries to seduce Benedita, asking if he can see her at the end of the day. He is upset by her rejection, as Benedita says she still insists that he leave his wife before having something more with her.  Later, Eduardo conducts a meeting with the communications department of the company to define a strategy to improve the image of Boheme, but Laura steps in and takes charge.  Laura says that she wants to have a show in a troubled neighborhood and donate all the money to disadvantaged youth, with extensive media coverage of it all.  Eduardo offers to handle the event, but his mother reminds him with her usual authority that he has the surgery and recovery that will take weeks.  Eduardo is forced to accept this, but hides his discomfort.

Later at home, Eduardo mocks Sofia to Andreia, by showing her the picture he took of her cleaning outside Boheme on his phone.  Andreia laughs and says that the outfit Sofia is wearing is worse than the fact that she is cleaning. Eduardo suggests they send the picture to the tabloids but Laura shoots her son down, reminding him that Boheme already has enough negative publicity.  Eduardo quips "Mother knows best."  His mother then asks him if he has spoken to the psychologist about the transplant.  Eduardo tells Laura he has, and the psychologist approved Eduardo to do the transplant. While Laura says this is good news, Eduardo appears to not be as sure...

1 comment:

  1. You know, I don't like soap operas and I barely know a few words of Portuguese. But, I'm finding myself liking this story. Stranger things have happened.
