Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Diogo on "E-Especial"

SIC's "E-Especial" was behind the scenes with Diogo and his "Sol de Inverno" co-star Cláudia Vieira for their recent radio interview on "Olá Manhã."  Dina was kind enough to translate this short but fun interview for us, which can be found right below the video.

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)

(video courtesy of SIC/E-Especial)

Host/Sofia Fernandes (SF): They took a break from "Sol de Inverno," but only for a moment, to come to Rádio Renascença to be on their new morning program, and E-especial of course, was on hand and heard everything.
SF: Coming to do morning radio, is almost like a morning off, a very quiet morning.
CV: You know we have to film next?
DM: You do not know ... You think you know all about our lives, but you do not know ...
CV: It is relative, it is relative, but yes, it is a different kind of morning.
SF: If  E-especial was not here, you'd be in pajamas...
DM: That is no doubt an advantage of [doing] radio.
CV: It is a very good part of it, to be totally relaxed, though today you [looking at the camera/audience] are here.
DM: It is an opportunity that Cláudia and I have to find for ourselves from time to time, and say hello, to be friendly with each other as we really are....  After we've spent 80% of our day shouting at each other [when shooting.]
CV: I'm loving being a little bastard to Diogo, but I like him (touching his face.)
DM: I also like Cláudia, but I also like to be very bad [to her.]
SF: So let us say goodbye as "bad." Be unpleasant.
DM: (in a louder, aggravated voice) Look I'm leaving. I've got things to do.
CV: (looking at the camera with contempt) So… bye.

Obrigada Dina, as always, for the translation!



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