Monday, October 14, 2013

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 26 Recap

Eduardo visits the factory again and Horácio praises the efforts of all employees.  Rita approaches them and offers to accompany them but has to her irritation at being rejected.   Eduardo greets Isabel with a head nod.

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Eduardo leaves the office and says goodbye to another job candidate and sighs when Benedita tells him that there's another person to interview.  Seeing that person is act,ually Fábio Eduardo says to his secretary that this interview will be quick.  Fabio enters confident but, little by little, gets nervous, unable to answer the questions Eduardo asks.  Eduardo becomes frustrated and concludes the interview by cutting it short and telling Fábio they will let him know.  Fábio is wrongly convinced that is likely to get the job but he is so nervous that as he leaves, his drops the folder he is carrying and all his papers spill out on to the floor.

After dinner, Teresa confesses to Margarida, became concerned when she learned that Margarida had been taken to the police testify.  Margarida downplays ​​the incident and claims that they just wanted to close the investigation.   Eduardo is glad that they found their prized horse and Andreia says she is going to lie down because she’s tired.  The husband provokes his wife, saying that Teresa is the sick one yet she’s the one always sleeping. After Andreia goes up to the bedroom, Teresa criticizes brother and reminds him that his wife just lost a baby and he hit her.  Laura ends the discussion, claiming not to understand why Eduardo is so annoyed by the behavior of his wife, since she has always been like this.  Later, Eduardo says he made appointments for more medical tests and is ready to do the transplant.  Teresa tells him he still has time to change his mind but he assures his sister he wants to do the transplant.

1 comment:

  1. Again, thanks for the translations! I look forward to this everyday! Thanks for posting for us too Sara!
