Monday, October 14, 2013

Diogo on "Domingo Espetacular"

Diogo was interviewed on the Brazilian TV show, "Domingo Espetacular" recently to discuss "The Bible," which will be premiering in Brasil on October 16th.  Dina was kind enough to translate the interview for us, which can be found right below the video.

(interview courtesy of Rede Record/Domingo Espetacular)

Voiceover: Portuguese actor Diogo Morgado plays Jesus in the series. He met with TV Record's correspondent, Italo Taveira, on the banks of the Rio Tejo, more specifically in the Park of Nations, Lisbon. Young, handsome, Diogo is living the peak of his fame.  He has done 10 films, one of them, "Red Butterfly" has just been filmed in the United States.   He has starred in 12 novelas and 22 series.  But he was never as famous as he is since appearing in "The Bible."
Diogo: (to fans taking pictures) Thank you, thank you. Kisses.
Voiceover: Diogo Morgado is 33 years old*, the same age as the character he reveals to the world.  He says that playing Jesus is a challenge, even for an actor with experience.
Diogo: Jesus was not a role. He is a living entity. And that changes everything. He's not just a historical figure. He is a figure who is alive in the hearts of millions of people around the world, everyday, day after day.
Voiceover: To Diogo Morgado, having been a part of the cast of "The Bible," is an experience of a lifetime.
Host/Italo: And how do you think the series will be received in Brasil?
Diogo: The Brazilian people are a passionate people. They're very authentic people, and I like that. It's a series that speaks of faith. Speaks of believing, speaks of having hope in positive things.  That is the message of Jesus. He speaks of love. All things that, irrespective of the religion of each, regardless of the country and culture where it ["The Bible"] may be airing, these things are universal.

(*FYI -- just a "me being picky about facts" note... Diogo is actually 32 years old.... he will be 33 on his next birthday, January 17th.  But he was born in 1981, so that means currently, he is 32.)


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