Saturday, October 12, 2013

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 25 Screencaps & Recap

At the hospital, after hearing the news that they are having trouble stabilizing Teresa, a desperate Laura asks the doctor if they can do the transplant now, since Eduardo's in good health and a match.  Eduardo appears troubled by her suggestion, but the doctor assures them that Teresa is not strong enough right now for surgery.  Later when they have moved to Teresa’s room to see her, Laura asks the doctor when they will be able to do the transplant. The doctor says they should be able to proceed with the surgery within a week. Eduardo tries to hide his nervousness, and says that they can schedule the date.

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Salvador asks how it is possible that his sister has gotten so sick so quickly. The doctor prepares to respond but Teresa interrupts and confesses that she stopped the treatments on her own. Eduardo gets angry, but when he tries to question his sister about why she did that, Laura, says Teresa has to rest, and ends the conversation.

Once they are at home for dinner, Eduardo tells Laura he is going to the hospital tomorrow for more tests.  Laura says the sooner they can schedule the surgery the better.

Later, Eduardo secretly phones Benedita from the study to tell her that even though he really wants to, he cannot go see her or be with her tonight.  She is upset and accuses him being exactly the same, and not having the courage to leave his wife.

Laura enters the library and Eduardo quickly and discreetly ends his call to Benedita, saying he has to go.

Eduardo tries to justify what he was doing to Laura, telling her that he was just talking with a friend, but she doesn't care. She says she is simply there to work now because she spent the entire day at the hospital and there are work issues only she can deal with. Eduardo brings up Matilde to Laura, and warning his mother to be careful because they do not know if Matilde will tell her mother (Sofia) everything she hears.  Laura says she wants Matilde to be convinced that all is peaceful between their families in order to win her over to her side.

1 comment:

  1. It's great to see how a little smile can change everything.
