Friday, October 11, 2013

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 24 Screencaps & Recap

Eduardo thanks Teresa for having accepted his invitation to have lunch together.  He says he did not say anything because he was scared and wanted first to learn more about the full process of donating a kidney.  If we are born with two kidneys, it is because they are needed, right? And what if he also gets sick later, who is going to give him a kidney if only she is compatible?  Or what if eventually he has a child and that child one day also needs a kidney? Teresa interrupts him, saying she understands and accepts all his reasons, all his doubts, but she doesn't understand why once he knew he was a match he didn't say anything, didn't even talk to her.  Eduardo is very embarrassed, and says it was indeed cowardly of him. But now he'll solve everything. They are family, so it's time to act like it.  He will give her his kidney.  He asks her to forgive him, tells her that everything will be fine, and asks her for a hug. 

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Teresa embraces her brother and suggests they go together to tell their mother the decision he has made.

Laura coldly responds to Eduardo’s decision to do the kidney transplant to help Teresa, stressing that before he made ​​the right decision, he lied to everyone. Eduardo is hurt by her indifference, while Teresa strives to control her cough and nausea caused by her stopping her treatment. Laura reminds Teresa that it’s time to go to dialysis and the daughter says she will pack up her things to go to the hospital, but the conversation is interrupted by the arrival of the Police Inspector.  The inspector reveals that they have discovered that it was Sofia Bívar who assaulted Laura with a bucket of paint during the protest against Boheme. Eduardo is stunned when Laura says through smiling lips that she does not want to press charges against Sofia.  Laura explains that the company has more to lose than to gain by filing a complaint against Sofia. Teresa supports her mother's decision, but Eduardo is surprised... the inspector tells Laura that she has six months to change her mind.  Before leaving, the inspector also confides that his wife loves Boheme shoes and ask them to send him an invitation to their presentation of the new collection.  Laura pretends to be friendly and says she will, but when the inspector is gone, she states that she hates people who are always begging for things.  After Teresa leaves supposedly to get ready to go to dialysis and Laura is alone with Eduardo, she finally reveals her plan to attack Sofia again. Laura will let her think she's won this battle, but she tells Eduardo, while she may not be able to separate Matilde from Salvador, she will separate Matilde from her mother, Sofia.

Later, Eduardo and Benedita are in his office kissing... (Dina was awesomely kind enough to translate this scene for us.  Obrigada Dina!)

Benedita (at 12:36 in part 1 video): What did the police want?
Eduardo: Never mind the police ... (kissing her) Concentrate on us...
B: (laughs) I liked last night so much ...
E: Me too. I also enjoyed it. Except for your sister catching us. The rest was fantastic.
B:(shrugging) There is always someone in the middle. If it is not my sister, it's your wife.

E: You had to, you had to, right? For what? Why did you have mention Andreia now?
B:Because I did not forget you're still married.

E: (with hands behind his neck) I'm going to divorce Andreia. How many more times do I have to tell you that?
B: But I do not want you to say it Eduardo, I want you to do it.

E: Andreia is going through a very difficult period. (kisses her) She is depressed, and I'm afraid that if I file the divorce papers, who knows what could happen. Humm? Now I told you I'm getting divorced. Let her get better and you'll see. I'll give her the divorce papers and end once and for all be done with this marriage.
B: I hope that you fulfill that promise.
E: Well, since you insist on throwing a bucket of cold water on this by talking about such serious things... (sits in the chair again) do you think your sister is going to open her mouth about what she saw?
B: Doubtful. Not after the way you talked to her ... Isabel knows that if she opens her mouth she'll be out on the street.

E: I was thinking of paying a visit to the factory. What do you think?
B:Why, what more are you going to do?
E: Well, I'll see how production is going ... Humm ... maybe give them a wake up call....
B: Do what you want.

Later, Eduardo is annoyed when he enters their room and sees Andreia lying in bed.  She ignores his comments and asks him if he spoke with his mother so she'd let him come home.  Eduardo confirms that this matter is now resolved, and he tells her that he is donating the kidney to his sister solely because he wants to. Andreia then tells him that she has received the summons to testify against him in the domestic violence case, and confirms that she will lie and say she made everything up. But when her husband enters the bathroom to undress, Andreia mutters that if he ever touches her again, she will kill him.

Later Eduardo asks his mother how her conversation with Matilde went, and Laura says she thinks Matilde believed her to be there with good intentions, and she is confident Matilde will now convince Salvador to return to the company. Eduardo hides the fact that he does not like the idea of ​​having his brother return to Boheme.

Later, worker Fábio takes advantage of Eduardo’s presence in the factory and shows him the production side of Boheme.  But Fábio is crushed when Eduardo tells him that the company's market strategy is precisely the opposite of what he believes it should be.  Then Eduardo turns to Isabel to talk with her to find out if she told anyone about him and Benedita. Isabel assures him she did not, and adds that she does not get involved in matters that do not concern her. Rita is intrigued and interrupts their conversation, explaining that when she didn't see Isabel at her station, she decided to see where she was. Rita then offers to answer any questions Eduardo may have or to show him around, but he says Isabel already told him all he needed to know about what was happening in the factory.

Later, Eduardo joins his family at the hospital. Laura, who is already there and is in anguish for not having yet heard from Teresa, still manages to put her plan into action by thanking Matilde for being there with her family at this difficult time. Margarida wants to skip her riding lesson but her mother and brothers insist she go to the farm, with the promise that they will call her as soon as they have news about Teresa.  Once Margarida is gone, the doctor tells the family that they are doing everything they can to stabilize Teresa, however her body seems to be resisting their efforts.

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