Friday, October 4, 2013

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 16 Screencaps & Recap

(all photos courtesy of SIC)

Andreia begs Eduardo to stop hitting her but he is so out of control that he cannot hear her. Outside their room, Teresa tells Laura that they should go see what's going on, but her mother says that it is better not to meddle. Teresa refuses to listen to her mother, and goes to Eduardo's room.  When her brother opens the door and says that everything is fine she does not believe him, and forces her way in. Seeing her sister in law bleeding, she demands Eduardo leave the room, wondering how could he have done such a horrid thing. Andreia vents that her husband is a beast and Teresa begins to help her.  Teresa and Margarida are at Andreia's bedside, comforting her after the beating Eduardo gave her.  Teresa says she'll confront her brother, while Margarida vents that that situation is deplorable.

Later in the library, Laura scolds Eduardo for beating his wife. He still tries to justify his actions, and says he will spend the night at a hotel.  Laura not only forbids Eduardo from leaving, but she deamands he go apologize to his wife, as she does not want this to ever happen in her home again.  She says he can sleep in the guest room, if he is not able to speak with his wife tonight.  As usual, Eduardo cowardly obeys the orders of his mother.

Teresa goes to Andreia’s room to see how she is doing, and Andreia says for the first time that she does not want to stay married to Eduardo, after being beaten by him. Teresa is torn, but gives full support to the sister in law, and Andreia thanks her for taking her side.

Laura, despite the embarrassment and unease that it causes, is forced to use the shoes designed by Sofia before they were at odds, to fill the gap caused by taking the new shoe collection off the market. Eduardo tries to insist that Salvador did not choose the best option when he decided it was best to withdraw from the leather collection from the market, but Laura humiliates him by saying that since he does not have a better solution it is better for him not to comment at all.  Eduardo is further angered when his mother chooses Salvador to tell the staff and factory workers to inform them that they will have to work twenty four hours a day on the new shoes production, because the company is in an emergency situation.

Later at Boheme, Eduardo gets a visit from two police officers who notify him that his wife Andreia, has filed a complaint against him for domestic violence. Eduardo is surprised, and Benedita is shocked by what she is hearing.

(Sol de Inverno_16º Episódio_02-10-2013_ by mlubep)



  1. Uncomfortable seeing Diogo as a "wife-beater," but his range of acting skills is certainly amazing!

  2. When I first saw the pictures, I actually gasped and put my hand over my mouth. I'm not used to seeing Diogo rough up a woman. I've never seen him do that. Then again, I'm not able to keep up with his works in Portugal very well. I so wish I knew how to speak Portuguese--I only know a few words and phrases--and had a way to watch these shows. It would be nice to see his range as an actor. I first knew of him from 'The Bible' right now which was flawless and the best ever. I have watched 'Acredita, estou pussuido' and sampled 'O Vampiro Mais Sexy de Lua Vermelha' because I like vampire shows. I had to rely on body language and tone of voice but I still enjoyed it. Plus, I got to see Diogo with those sexy vampire contact lenses.
    I think his portrayal of Jesus is still my number one favorite. He will be an impossible act to follow.

  3. He hit her three times!! Diogo did so well, I officially hate Eduardo and want to take a bat to his head.

    1. wow! now that is the mark of a real actor :-D think Jesus, think Jesus, think Jesus!

    2. I actually went back to watch 'The Bible' after seeing this. I needed a cleanse. LOL. I did think, 'Wait, he portrayed Jesus with more realness than anyone else. Eduardo is just a role.' But, it's hard to watch. I HAD a boyfriend kind of like him. Very controlling and abusive.
      I know Diogo isn't a woman beater but, boy, is he convincing enough for me to hate him.

  4. I have seen many movies about Jesus and actors playing Jesus. Diogo Morgado was the BEST. He portrayed his role very well.
