Wednesday, October 2, 2013

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 15 Screencaps & Recap

Andreia writhes in pain and Eduardo insists she go to the hospital.  She tries to prevent her husband from finding out what is going on but whenEduardo uncovers her, he sees that her nightgown and sheets are stained with blood.  And he realizes that his wife may be miscarrying the baby.

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)

She cries and begins to fear that her husband will discover that she intentionally caused the miscarriage in order to do the ad campaign for Chiffon.

Filled with anger Eduardo rants that she serves no purpose.  At this point, he gets a call from Benedita to tell him about a protest taking place at Boheme.

Eduardo explains that he cannot go to the office and asks her to keep him informed.  Once off the phone, he helps Andrea up, insisting on taking her to the hospital.  Eduardo interrupts the conversation between Teresa and Salvador to say that he is going to the hospital with Andrea because she is losing blood.  The siblings follow him and offer their full support to their sister in law.

Eduardo tells Teresa that there is a demonstration taking place outside the company's office and suggests she contact some journalists who know to how to minimize the potential damage to the company's image.

Later, alone with her doctor at the hospital as Eduardo waits outside and ignores calls from Benedita, Andreia is in shock when the doctor tells her that her attempt to abort was unsuccessful and she now carries a baby who will be born with various disabilities. Andreia admits she took the pills to not have a child, and the doctor says he will help her successfully terminate the pregnancy, but only with her husband agreeing to it as well.  Andreia is troubled and upset, because she will now have to face Eduardo.

Eduardo is devastated by the news of the disabilities the baby now has, and without knowing that Andreia induced the unsuccessful abortion, he agrees that they should terminate the pregnancy.  Andreia cries, but more out of fear Eduardo will discover what she did than for her unborn baby.  Andreia and her doctor exchange a look, but the doctor does not tell Eduardo that his wife was responsible for the evil that the fetus suffered.  Andreia then agrees with Eduardo that it is better to lose the baby, and her husband does not hide his huge disappointment.

Andreia is comforted by Margarida when they return home.  Teresa asks Andreia to sit beside her, while Laura asks an obviously upset Eduardo to come speak with her. Andreia is afraid and intrigued by what her mother in law wants to talk to him about. 

Laura actually tries to comfort her son about the loss of another baby, saying he and his wife are young and can try again.  Eduardo says he doubts that this is possible with Andreia. His mother recommends that he not make any rush decisions, and then talks about her difficult day.

Eduardo tells his mother that he would have liked to have been there with her during the demonstration, and criticizes Salvador's decision for having put the new collection of shoes on the market, without thinking about the possible damaging ramifications. Nevertheless, Laura defends Salvador, praising the way he solved the problem.  Eduardo realizes that it isn’t worth continuing to attack his brother, and comments on how things started to go wrong in the family as soon as Sofia returned.  Laura says she has to find a way to solve this problem once and for all.

As he is entering their bedroom Eduardo sees Andreia about to take another pill before bedtime. He violently grabs it out of her hands, blaming her for having lost their son.  Andreia is filled with determination and provokes him, insisting on taking another pill. Eduardo insults her and slaps her.

Andreia responds with hurt and fires back in retaliation that she will probably have to try to have children with another man, since he is incapable.  Eduardo loses his temper and attacks the woman repeatedly, and violently.

Click here to see Eduardo's Scenes from Episode 15.

Judging from the below preview picture for the next episode, it is going to be hard to watch. But it will remind us all what incredible acting range Diogo has, and how talented he is at playing many different types of characters, including "Eduardo."



  1. Hey Sara,
    I love the new look! Wow, you don't realize how much an actor gets in your blood until you don't have a chance to keep up for awhile, eh? I started a new job about a month ago and it's taking all my time. I'm looking forward to having some time to catch up with the posts! This looks fabulous :-))))

  2. Welcome back! You've been missed! :) I am so glad you like the new look. Thank you, as always! Xo, Sara.

  3. Wow, Eddy, Eddy, Eddy!!! Andreia did NOT deserve that, even though what she did was wrong, wrong, wrong!!! What I'm noticing is the Andreia is getting the brunt of the blow, no pun intended, of Eduardo's incompetence.
    As for Diogo's talent, this episode just goes to show the scale of his talent! Impressive! But we already knew that. :o)
