Saturday, July 6, 2013

Diogo to appear in new ad campaign in Portugal

TMN, a Portuguese mobile phone company, announced this week that Diogo will be the "face" of their upcoming ad campaign.  The campaign is expected to include a commercial and print ads, launching sometime this weekend or week.  

I will post the video and images of the ads as soon as I get them.  But, and I could be wrong, but I think this may have been what Diogo was filming when was tweeting and sharing pictures of filming last weekend, including this picture he shared, saying: "Shooting at the beach. Costa Vicentina Rules!!!"

We shall see.... In the meantime, take a look at this video about another ad campaign Diogo participated in back in 2010 for "Boa Estética" clinics. (A translation, thanks to the ever amazing Lou da Gama, is below the video.)  

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest....)

(video courtesy of SIC's Fama Show)

Interviewer: Due to their good physical shape, Diogo Morgado and Raquel Loureiro were chosen to be the face of a beauty clinic…   It’s not anyone that is chosen to be the face of a beauty clinic!
Diogo: No, the concept nowadays is people are aware that it is good to be healthy and that that also reflects in the aesthetic side. I think that “Body Concept” (the name of the clinic) has this concept, “concept” (he repeats the word in English). 
Raquel: With these treatments, a good diet and exercise, it is possible to live many years happy inside and out.
Diogo: I try to pay attention to what I eat. I try to exercise a little bit… not as much as I should.
Interviewer: And the wrinkles? Do they begin to worry you?
Diogo: Nothing!! Look at this. Look at this (he frowns his eye).
Interviewer to Raquel: And shooting with Diogo? He's a babe!
Raquel: Ah! That's hilarious! First, I’ve known Diogo for many, many years.
(Diogo approaches with something that looks like a mobile phone or maybe a recording machine).
Sound from mobile phone: Raquel! Raquel, hurry up!!!
Raquel: We worked together a few years ago, and I am very happy that he is my partner in this new adventure.
Interviewer: So, go work! Good work.
Diogo: Now, I am taking her! Okay?  (Obrigada as always to Lou da Gama for the translation.)
And just for fun, here's another look at a great "making of" video for another ad campaign Diogo did in 2010 for "Dreambooks" photo books.  No translation needed.  :)

(video courtesy of Dreambooks/YouTube)

Hope you are all having a great weekend!



  1. Whatever he was working on that picture Diogo took and shared is HOT. Damn he's fine. If I had a beauty clinic I'd hire him too LOL. Great post Sara, thank you. Was getting worried, missed ya! Cant wait to see his new commercial and pics.

  2. Do we like Diogo with shorter hair like now or the long hair look he sported in those 2010 clips? i can't decide.... i mean he is gorgeous no matter what but think i prefer longer hair on him..... thanks for the news update Sara, welcome back.

    1. Easy decision for me - the long hair and the beard!! 2010 was a VERY good year for him! Lol!! He definitely looks good no matter what - but the longer hair is the winner by a long shot for me!!

    2. i'm with you on all that ;-) but yes, he is very pretty either way, swooon! thud.

  3. And his smile is indescribably beautiful...

  4. I vote for the hippie look of the 1 hour interview - shorter but not too short hair, LONG beard, and a headscarf.

  5. With a face like his it doesn't matter how he wears his hair, he's gorgeous anyway!
