Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Pop Quiz

 (screencap from video below by me)

So you think you know a lot about Diogo's career, eh?  Well, let's see if you fare better than Diogo did in this clip from "E-especial" in 2009 when he was given a pop quiz of sorts on his past projects... The translation of this brief, but fun "Clip of the Day" can be found below the video, kindly provided again by the awesome Lou da Gama.

(video courtesy of SIC)

Interviewer: Do you know your career inside out?
Diogo: Not sure!!! Yes! I think so!

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest....)
Interviewer: In what place did Miguel steal his first kiss from Teresa?
Diogo: Umm… the first … from Teresa?
Interviewer: Umm, umm, in the film “Amo-te Teresa?”
Diogo: UuvveUuvveUuvve (he makes weird sounds with his mouth)… Eh pá! I don’t know!
Interviewer: It was when he was a poor little thing, sick with flu.
Diogo: Ahhhh!!! It was! He was sick, a poor sick guy. It was! It was!
Interviewer: What was your first work on TV and in what year?
Diogo: It was in the series “Terra Mãe” in 1997.
Interviewer: Wrong! 1996!
Diogo: Ahhh!!!
Interviewer: When you were abandoned at the altar?
Diogo: In “A Noiva” (“The Bride.")  In the film “A Noiva.”
Interviewer: Very well. What year?
Diogo: 2002.
Interviewer: 2000!!!
(Diogo laughs.)
Interviewer: In what adventure were you part of?
(He laughs again because he doesn’t remember.)
Diogo: Ahhh! Under the earth? An adventure under the earth?
(She shakes her head in disagreement)
Diogo: Ummm… An adventure in Viana [do Castelo]?
nterviewer: Umm, umm (in disagreement).
Diogo: rrrrréééé (he makes more weird sounds)!!
Interviewer: An adventure between Douro and Minho?
Diogo: Douro and Minho! Fine!
Interviewer: The year of "Teorema [de Pitágoras"]?
Diogo: The year was 2001.
Interviewer: 2000. 
Diogo: 2000.
Interviewer: And the character was called?
Diogo: (he doesn’t remember, so he makes a pun with the word “call”)… was called. He was called! Every time someone called him, “Oi! Come up here!” FWEEEEEE (He whistles to mimic the sound of someone moving fast.) He… PUMBA! He showed up there! TUMBA! It’s done! [“PUMBA” and “TUMBA” are sounds meaning “right away.”] 
Diogo (to the Interviewer): You just had a job of exquisite wickedness to get me to make a fool of myself before all of Portugal that now says, “that dude is a fool.” And I agree. It’s true. I am indeed a fool. I haven’t the slightest idea of what I'm doing. Ah! And that’s it! The thing comes out by instinct (referring to his acting.)
Interviewer: No… you’re not…
(Diogo laughs again.)

Don't worry Diogo.   You're not a fool.... remembering all these little details, who cares? That's what IMDb is for anyway.  :)  

Obrigada to Lou da Gama for the translation.  Much appreciated, as always!



  1. No no no no... not a fool Mr Morgado! But funny. You are way too funny! That's one of the reasons I admire you so much!


  2. Come on Mr. Morgado! How could you forget that beautiful scene when Teresa goes to see the sick Miguel in his room, they talk about drawing and then he kisses her....

  3. Intersing! He is always so confortable and funny with these interviews! :)

  4. still can't watch (yet) - hopefully in the next day or two. that's why i appreciate the translations so much! he is a funny guy :-D
