Monday, July 8, 2013

Diogo's tmn commercial

Here is Diogo's new commercial for tmn, a wireless phone company in Portugal.

(video courtesy of tmn/YouTube)

Who's ready to go to the beach now?  :)



  1. I'm ready to go to the beach!!!!Beautiful commercial!!! Way to start my Monday Morning!!!beautiful post Sara!!!

  2. Que lindo esse comercial! Sou do Brasil e estou aqui a torcer pelo sucesso de Diogo! Parabéns pelas escolhas! :)

    1. Beijinhos para o Brasil. Um dos países mais lindos do mundo, e com a melhor música :).

  3. Ohhhh we sure are going to the beach, YOU and ME Sara Beene! Any beach! Just US and some tasty margaritas!


  4. Claro que irei à praia. Morgado me espere!
    Beijos do Brasil

  5. Ahhh so cute! You were right Sara, this is what Diogo was filming that day he was tweeting all those awesome pictures. He clearly had fun filming this and it shows! It is a cute concept too and does make me wanna go to the beach with friends. Oh and anyone else but me find it funny seeing Diogo in shorts/his bare knees lol. Maybe Portugal fans have seen that before but I hadn't lol. Thanks for posting Sara! You find stuff and fast. :)

  6. Forget the shorts, what i noticed is diogo's only one who doesnt take his shirt off even when in the water or recreating the childhood photo. lol, maybe i've seen it to many times. thanks Sara for posting. its great for the Monday blues.

  7. What a beautiful add! I love the concept. Very heartwarming. My only complaint is that Diogo does not take his shirt off.

    1. I agree Lou. I love the ad not only because it is so endearing, but it is a universal concept that needs no translation.... whether you are Portuguese, American, French, whatever. It has a sweet message and makes me love summer even more. The no shirt thing was interesting. Especially since it was different t-shirt than he had be wearing the whole time LOL. But I also like that he is unique in the ad, the only one not shirtless, sans the girls of course. :)

  8. ... and it makes us remember the importance of friendship and the value of special, simple and timeless memories.

    TMN's creative team did a great job.

    This add was filmed in my favorite part of the Portuguese seacoast :).

  9. Very nice ad! Btw, how is Darwin Shaw's Q&A going? Was it already posted and I just never saw it?

    1. You did not miss Darwin's Q&A. He is busy filming something currently but will do the Q&A when he can and then I will post it. I will make sure you don't miss it! :)

  10. meeeeeee! and i am besotted with those legs. completely. they are fabulous. we don't see them nearly enough.
