Monday, November 18, 2013

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 55 AND Diogo discusses Eduardo's "Disappearance"

(Eduardo enters the hotel in Mexico and goes to check in.)

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Hotel Clerk: Good morning.
Eduardo: Hello.
Hotel Clerk: Have a reservation?
Eduardo: Yes Eduardo Aragão. (and he spells it) A-R-A-G-Ã-O.
Hotel Clerk: (repeating) Aragão.
Eduardo: Uh-huh
Hotel Clerk: I need your ID card or passport.
Eduardo: I still have a few things to get from the car, okay? The "coche" (car) ... get ...
Hotel Clerk: Oh yes, of course. Alright.
(Eduardo's cell phone rings.)
Eduardo: (to the Clerk) I apologize.
(He answers, it is Laura, he tries to talk discreetly.)
Eduardo: Yes, Mother ...
Laura: Yes, Eduardo, how are things going there in Mexico? Is it possible for you to meet with our contact today?
Eduardo: I can try to have lunch with him, but ... I have to call back mid-morning, because now is too early. Yes Mom, of course I'll be careful.
Laura: You know that time is precious for your sister. Call me once you have news. Goodbye.

Sol de Inverno_55º Episódio_15.11.2013. by mlubep

Note: "Eduardo" wasn't in Episode 56, so I will be back tomorrow with episode 57, but in the meantime, Diogo spoke to SIC briefly about what may happen to "Eduardo" while he is in Mexico.... Dina kindly translated this for us, found right below the video.

Diogo Morgado comenta o desaparecimento de... by diogofanfriends

Diogo: It seems that "Eduardo" goes to Mexico, somehow, to be redeemed for what he did, or well, what he did not do. Anyway...  He feels indebted to Teresa and goes to Mexico, right?  And then in Mexico something happens. Hmm ...  And Eduardo disappears off the map. Literally. He, like, disappears.  Of course in Portugal, his mother, the family's asking "what happened? What happened? What happened?"   And what happened?  I wonder what happened to Eduardo?  Did he die? Is he missing? Humm? Will he come back? Will he come back the same? Will he come back different? Will he be worse?  We do not know. We do not know.  I mean, one or two know, but I'm not going to say who it is...
(He winks.) 
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