Sunday, November 17, 2013

Behind the Scenes of "Sol de Inverno" on "Boa Tarde"

Angelo Rodrigues, who plays "Simão" on"Sol de Inverno," was giving "Boa Tarde" a look behind the scenes of the series when his interview was unexpectedly "interrupted."  Not so great for Angelo perhaps, but kinda great for us, hee.  Check out this short but fun video and translation of Diogo's parts provided below, once again thanks to our incredible friend, Dina.  

(Angelo is in the trailer where the cast get their hair and makeup done, and introduces Brazilian actress Ursula Corona, who will be playing a character that will come to have an affair with “Eduardo." Meanwhile, waiting outside are "Sol de Inverno" co-stars Diogo, Rui Neto ("Nuno") and little Francisco Monteiro ("Vasco.")  As usual it is a fun and playful atmosphere.)
Diogo: (with a Brazilian accent) Our mother the sky...
(And then at the door of the makeup trailer.)
Diogo: This is when it is noted that an "Interviewjacking" is happening. "Interviewjacking" is when the person on the other side says "Ah! Have you finished the interview with Diogo? "And they do not realize that the interview is not with Diogo, it is with Angelo Rodrigues. This is called "interviewjacking."  There is "carjacking" “bag-jacking,” and then there's "interviewjacking" which is sabotaging the interview of another.
(The assistant director talks.)
Angelo: These here are the "conditions" that we have in the makeup/wardrobe trailer, so is this space that we have, basically.
Diogo: (to Rui/"Nuno") We are part of the "conditions"? That is what he is saying, that we are part of the "conditions"?
Angelo: That's it. And here is their "happy face."
(And Diogo and Rui put on their best smiles for the camera.)


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