Monday, November 4, 2013

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 43 Screencaps & Translations

(Laura, Eduardo and Margarida are eating.)

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Laura: Tomorrow I want you to come with me to get your sister from the hospital.
Margarida: Okay.
Eduardo: I'll try. There are a number of things I have to do and...
(Laura interrupts him.)
Laura: Excuse me? What you have to do that is more important than to go get your sister from the hospital, Eduardo?
Eduardo: (sadly, resigned) As you wish mother.
(He finishes his dinner and rises from the table.)
Eduardo: I'm gonna take a walk.
Laura: I hope you're not thinking about going after Luis or Andreia.
Eduardo: Mother, those are suggestions that you do not need to give me.
(And he leaves.)
(Teresa returns home accompanied by Laura, Salvador and Margarida. Eduardo comes home, however, appearing as if he has been out all night, having fun.)
Eduardo: Good morning.
Teresa: Hello Eduardo.
Eduardo: Sorry ... sorry I did not make it in time to go with you all to the hospital. Sorry Teresa.
Salvador: .What happened Eduardo? I tried to call you but you did not have your phone on.
Eduardo: Oops! Battery ...
Margarida: Where did you sleep?
Laura: I hope you did not go be with Andreia.
Eduardo: No, I was not.
Teresa: Did something happen I don't know about?
Eduardo: Nothing happened. It's okay. The most important thing is, Teresa, how do you do you feel?
Teresa: Fine.  Glad to be back.
Eduardo: Very good. I'll take a quick shower and we’ll talk more, okay?
Laura: Hurry up and come with me to the office.(Eduardo laughs sarcastically and leaves.)
(Later at the office, with Benedita.)
Eduardo: This needs to be signed by my mother (he gives a folder with documents to Benedita, then as he goes to leave) I called you yesterday.
Benedita: I know. But I could not answer.
Eduardo: You will still ask to come back to me.
Benedita: Need something Dr.?
Eduardo: I need... Actually I need.... You know I sent a suit out to be cleaned and I need you to fetch it at the laundry.
Benedita: I am an administrative secretary, I'm not your personal assistant, Dr.
Eduardo: The guy you are seeing, is he old and rich? Because if he is not, I advise you strongly to keep your job. And for that to happen, I think you better go get the suit at the laundry, like I asked.
(Frustrated, Benedita leaves to go get the suit.)

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