Saturday, November 16, 2013

Diogo on "Fama Show" in Disneyland Paris


Diogo was on "Fama Show" as they were with him during his recent trip to Disneyland Paris.  Dina was kind enough to translate this very cute and fun interview for us (I LOVE Diogo wearing the big Mickey hand LOL) which can be found right below the video.  Fast forward to 17:40 to see Diogo.  

Fama Show_Programa do dia_16-11-2013_ by mlubep

Vanessa Oliveira/host (at 17:40 mark): At the opening of the holiday season at Disneyland Paris, Diogo Morgado took us into this world of magic and the result could not have been better.
Diogo: Look at it so beautiful there, it's the Castle of Disneyyyy ...
Vanessa: What a beautiful day we picked.
Diogo: Eh pá. This is very good because it does not seem like we are in winter, does it?
Vanessa: Well ... it's cold ... very cold ...
Diogo: It's magic, the magic of Disney is doing its thing. Makes the dark become a beautiful day.
Vanessa: How is Christmas for you?
Diogo: Christmas has no cold, will not have a cold, as you can see (and points to his nose), and with family, and as long as there is joy, é pá, this is it.
Diogo: (to some Portuguese fans who yell at him from a distance) is ... how is it?
Fans: All well? Kisses ...
Vanessa: How is it Christmas for Father Diogo?
Diogo: I happen to be Santa Claus. Oh, it is ... (laughs) I have no chimney, but my Santa Claus is very modern, enters through the front door. My Christmas has become now ...
Vanessa: It is a happiness ...
Diogo: É pá, it is a stunning joy. It is indeed. It's beyond good.
(Meanwhile Mickey Mouse approaches.)
Diogo: He's a fan…
Vanessa: Who is? Your son?
Diogo: Yes, we were having dinner and suddenly Mickey appears. And Mickey, of course, was a sweetheart. Gave Santiago "5." (tries to give a high five to Mickey, but Mickey indicates he doesn't have 5 fingers.) Right Mickey? "3"? No? Oh, okay "4." [fingers]
(Vanessa tries to pull the sword out of the "Sword and the Stone" as Diogo encourages her.)
Diogo: Concentrate ... Now! Pull it with everything! (mimicking the force she is using) Ahhhh! I believe that only a good heart can take this sword here. Go! Aaaaaah!
(Vanessa gives up)
Diogo: (shrugging/teasing) I said only a good heart could....


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