Tuesday, October 1, 2013

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 14 Screencaps & Recap

Click here to see videos from Episode 14. 

Andreia persuades Filipa to help her abort her baby. The agent assures her that the pills she will get are the same ones given in hospitals.  Andreia is determined, as she feels that her relationship with Eduardo is already hanging by a thread, and bringing a son into it can only make it worse.  Furthermore, Andreia reminds Filipa that she will receive a generous commission and tells her to call Chiffon, assuming the job is hers.  The agent tells her to take the pills at home, because she should lie down after taking them, predicting that she will have very strong cramps. 

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Later, Benedita tells Eduardo that there is a campaign on the internet attacking Boheme for using animal skins in their shoe collection.

He downplays ​​the problem, not knowing that this is an orchestrated campaign by Sofia.  He says that it is an act by radical animal lovers, and that their best strategy is silence.  The secretary alerts him to the fact that the brand could be affected, since the reviews she have read for Boheme are not good. Eduardo responds with arrogance that instead of being on Facebook, she ought to be working. Benedita doesn't appreciate the comment, and continues to look at the computer.

Andreia take the abortion pills that Filipa got her.  When she says goodbye to her agent, she reminds her that she must keep this secret, especially from Eduardo, and that she will just say that this miscarriage was as spontaneous as the previous two.  Filipa promises to remain silent.  Later, Andreia is having severe abdominal cramps when Filipa calls her to ask how it is going.  Andreia says she is in pain and has had a slight bleeding, promising to call her back when she feels better and the "problem" is solved.

Later, when Eduardo realizes that his mother has returned to the office, he goes to talk with her. After finding out that Teresa's procedure went well, he tells Laura that there is a situation with the new shoe collection, but he does not consider it a real problem.  Eduardo tells her that animal rights activists are protesting on the Internet against Boheme's use of real animal fur/skin in the shoes. Laura downplays ​​the issue, and Eduardo is happy she shares his opinion, certain that he did well by not having given much thought to the matter.

(all footage courtesy of SIC)


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