Friday, June 28, 2013

Turning the Tables

So, we've seen many clips of Diogo being interviewed by a TV host, including yesterday's post of him on a late-night talk show.   But I thought it might be fun to turn the tables, and show a clip where Diogo IS the host, and gets to do the interviewing for a change.....

(screencap from video below by me)

To that effect, today's "Clip of the Day" comes from June 2009 when Diogo hosted the live TV special "Gala Amor de Verão" ("Summer of Love Gala.")  This variety show style program on SIC featured various acts and entertainers as a kick off to summer.  You may recall Diogo spoke of hosting this show in his "Episódio Directo," saying of it, "I had contact with the audience, that was a challenge, and I had lots of friends who sang there, so I did it with pleasure, It was great."  

So here's a glimpse of "host"/interviewer Diogo from "Amor de Verão," and the ever amazing Lou da Gama translated this fun clip for us, found below the video.

(video courtesy of VaniaOliveiraOficial/YouTube)

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest....)

Diogo: If one doesn't start a strict diet right away... “One must give the body to the manifest” [an old Portuguese expression meaning "take a risk"] ... and not only at the beach. Nobody wants to reach Autumn single. This is the challenge of all the single women, who already have an anthem in Beyoncé’s new song. We’re going to listen to “Single Ladies” in the voice of Vânia, and dancing, Mafalda Teixeira and Raquel Henriques. Ah! Attention! But attention! Especially to the gentlemen, I give a warning – this number is highly improper for men with heart problems.  It’s just a warning. You will now see why.
[The Girls dance to “Single Ladies.”]
Diogo: I warned you, didn’t I? I warned! Vânia, tell me something. You work out a lot, don’t you? You’re not going to say that it was God who you gave you that body and then say, “Ah! One day I woke up one day and I looked like this!” 
Vânia: No. What I’m  going to say is this, yesterday, you said you didn’t know how to give a little slap, but you are such a beautiful boy, such a cute boy, isn’t he?
[Audience… "HE IS!!!"]
Vânia: Cute! 
Diogo: One day I woke up and I was like that.
Vânia: Nice teeth, he’s so gorgeous! Seriously!
Diogo: Don’t change the subject. Don’t change the subject. No! No! I got a sneak peek, I got a sneak peek of the rehearsal and what I saw was them… (and he slaps his own butt). These little slaps… I am sorry! I am sorry! I am sorry!  (He talks to the other girl.) Mafalda, … and so, what can you say about this hot dance? Is it appropriate for this time of year?
Mafalda: It’s appropriate for the first summer night. Yes, of course… all very sensual… all very hot.
Diogo: I have to ask you. You go to the gym, don’t you?
Mafalda: I go. I really like to exercise.
Diogo: Exercise… didn’t I say it? As the summer begins… they soon begin… pumpa, pumpa, pumpa (referring to the sound of the girls working out.)
Mafalda: All year round! All year round! 
Diogo: Okay. She says it’s all year round. Okay. It’s a regimen, isn’t it?  (He talks to the third girl.)  Raquel … What did you like? Did you like to interpret this song by Beyoncé?
Raquel: I liked it a lot.
Diogo: To interpret? I mean, to dance it, to give it body.
Raquel: Yes. I missed a move but then I followed them.
Diogo: Did you see her missing a move?
[Audience… "NO!"]
Diogo: Did you miss a move? I think you won all the moves. No?
Raquel: No. But it went well, didn’t it?
Diogo: Don’t you want to give… if you had to say a sentence to welcome the summer, what would it be?
Raquel: That the summer can be very hot, but not as hot as today. More or less hot, yes. Lots of beach, of course, let’s enjoy the beach.
Vânia: Can I welcome the summer?
Diogo: You must!
Vânia: With help? 
Diogo: Great. Let’s do it.
[And she sings.]
Diogo: Fantastic! Applause for them, please! Kisses. Look at this! Look at this! (About the girls dancing while leaving the stage). Well, I mean… like this it’s impossible, isn’t it?  It’s impossible! The summer…. the summer rises, and begins! The temperature goes high!

Obrigada again to Lou da Gama for another translation.  Much appreciated, as always.  Have a great weekend, everybody!  

PS!!!  A GREAT fan just sent me this behind the scenes video of the show, and apparently Diogo was not only the host... but he also performed AND sang on the show.... as one of the Beach Boys!  J



  1. NOW... This a post where the word H O T can and should be brought!

    It's summer! LOL ;)

  2. Not feeling his Beach Boy moves but definitely wish I was feeling those little spanks LOLOLOL! Awesome post Sara and Lou. You make quite the team! Thank you.

  3. Yesterday whip cream, today spankings... what the heck are you trying to do to us Sara?? :-)

    Diogo is a good host, he is just so comfortable in front of the camera, isn't he? So talented in so many ways! LOVE him! Love this blog! Thanks Sara and Lou!

  4. I am here cracking up with the spanking comment. I'll buy his Beach Boy and all of Diogo's moves. The Amy Winehouse guy was fun too (Poor Amy. She was one of my favorite singers). Ummm... this blog going hot is so much more than Jesus...

  5. You are all making me laugh so hard at work people think I am crazy! LOL! And Lou you are hilarious. This blog is getting so hot, Jesus is gonna send me to hell. (I HAD to put a comma between "hot" and "Jesus" there, LOL.)

  6. This post/videos are proof Diogo SHOULD play Christian Gray and should NOT be on Dancing with the Stars! LOL! Love him though!

  7. So understandable that the girl couldn't help but start the spanking dialogue...

    1. Hahaha! And Diogo, being the great host he is, just HAD to keep that dialogue going! :)

  8. He makes it so easy to LOVE him

  9. LOVE his SWAG!!!
