Thursday, June 27, 2013

Diogo on "5 Para Meia-Noite" - a Clip of the Day

(screencap of RTP video by me)

Today's "Clip of the Day" comes from 2009, when Diogo was a guest on RTP's late-night talk show, "5 Para Meia-Noite," ("5 to Midnight") this time with host Filomena Cautela.  Specifically, it's a clip from a segment they do on the show called "Hero or Villain" where the guest, in this case Diogo, is shown pictures of two people/things, and must say which is the hero, and which is the villain.  Our friend Lou da Gama was kind enough to translate this for us, and even though some of the choices are Portuguese references we may not know, it is still a fun clip that shows just what a good sport Diogo is with a great sense of humor.  You can find Lou's translation below the video.

(video courtesy of RTP)

Filomena: We have a game on the program that has been adapted and… ah… this is cool, this cool…
Diogo: Tell me… tell me… tell me.

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest....)
Filomena: This is cool… this is cool… this is cool.
Diogo: I am listening… I am listening… I am listening.
Filomena: There is a game that is Hero or Villain. You have to choose -- hero or villain, there is no middle ground.
Diogo: Can I play that?
Filomena: You are going to play it.
Diogo: Eh pá! I want to play that. Let’s go.
Filomena: I am obviously asking for your participation, and in this game there is no middle ground. There is hero or villain, and you can plead the Fifth Amendment, but only once. You can plead silence.
Diogo: Ah! Fifth Amendment means I do not say anything. Okay!
Filomena: Yes! Is it okay? Let’s go?
Diogo: Let’s go. Let’s go.
Filomena: So, let’s go. The easiest example to start with -- Joker or Batman? Who is the hero and who is the villain?
Diogo: So, the hero is the Joker, isn’t it? It is obvious! And Batman is the badass! Of course! Of course!
Filomena: It is solved! Next! One more –- Milou ["Snowy" in English, from The Adventures of Tintin comics] or Lassie?
Diogo: (laughs) I think Lassie is the badass. I think Lassie is the badass. Milou is undoubtedly naïve in the hands of any canine quote he is involved in, without any doubt. 
Filomena: Do you have dogs?
Diogo: My parents have two dogs.
Filomena: (next picture) Lúcia Moniz or Claudia Vieira?
Diogo: (laughs) Fifth Amendment! Fifth Amendment!
Filomena: Okay! Another one. Lobo Antunes [Portuguese novelist] or Saramago [another Portuguese novelist]?
Diogo: I am going to vote for Saramago as the villain.
Filomena: Saramago as the villain?
Diogo: Yes, and Lobo Antunes as the hero.
Filomena: Good!
Diogo: Eh pá!
Filomena: No comment. Let’s continue –- Manuela Mora Guedes or Marinho Pinto. [Marinho Pinho is an important lawyer (the head of the association of Portuguese lawyers) who called Manuela Moura Guedes, a famous journalist, a terrible journalist, during a live interview.]
Diogo: Do I only have one Fifth Amendment?
Filomena: Eh pá! I like you so much that I'll give you two.
Diogo: So okay! I will stay here (he lifts up a magazine) -- Michael Jackson!!!
Filomena: One more. One more. This is a man (talking about Diogo) who has a reputation to keep. Let’s go! Next – Ana Malhoa as a little girl, or Ana Malhoa as… Ana Malhoa [Portuguese singer and TV host.]
Diogo: Ana Malhoa? Always! Ana Malhoa!
Filomena: Who is the hero and who is the villain?
Diogo: I think the villain is the one from Bueréré! 
Filomena: The villain is the one from "Bueréré" and the good one is the current one?
Diogo: The good one is undoubtedly the sexy one, which is the new album of Ana Malhoa.
Filomena: Of course! One more –- "Malucos do Riso" or Gato Fedorento?
Diogo: "Os Malucos do Riso are the heroes.
Filomena: Are the heroes? I absolutely agree.
Diogo: Eh pá! I was there!
Filomena: You did the mini Malucos do Riso where you had some huge desks and hanging teeth.
Diogo: I can tell you, Filomena, that it was one of the places where I most learned.
Filomena: I believe. We will talk more about it. Maddie’s parents [parents of child Madeline McCann who went missing in Portugal while on vacation with her parents in 2007] or Gonçalo Amaral? [lead Portuguese detective on the McCann case who accused the parents of having something to do with her disappearance.]
Diogo: Eh pá! Complicated. About that, with or without Fifth Amendment, I will not say anything.
Filomena: You will not say anything. It is complicated, isn’t it? Another one! Queiroz [former Portuguese soccer team coach] or Scolari? [another Portuguese soccer coach who took the team to the World Cup in 2006.]
Diogo: Fónix [soft version of "fuck!] You are bad. You are not “good cattle” [means…  they are not nice people.] Eh pá! I like Queiroz since Sub 21 [A World Cup championship for players under the age of 21, Portugal won this championship in 1991 under Quieroz.] Ah! And Scolari also did a lot for us. Ah! Eh pá! It is complicated. For me they are both heroes.
Filomena: Are both of them heroes? Another one.
Diogo: Eh pá! I am sorry for not complying with the rules.
Filomena: It is wonderful. It is wonderful –- Salazar or Sócrates? [he was Prime Minister of Portugal when this interview was done.]
Diogo: Fónix!
Filomena: Who is the hero and who is the villain? You have to answer this one!
Diogo: Eh pá! Ahhh… Eh pá, I can tell you that if we analyze the situation as someone who exercises his power and does not allow anyone to, somehow, manifest her/his opinion, Salazar is clearly the villain. And someone who governs in these tem… troubled… tempts… tempes… times??? 
Filomena: Tempestuous!!!
Diogo: There is a tempest! It is the time in which we live. He is the hero.
Filomena: One more! One more! Elisa Ferreira or Gollum? 
Diogo: (makes a funny face.)
Filomena: You do not understand it because this was not the right photo. One more. Let's go ahead! Let’s go ahead! (It is a picture of Diogo.) This is a villain! Diogo Morgado as a kid or Diogo Morgado as a dad?
Diogo: Ahhh!!! Dad is the hero, pá!
Filomena: Dad is the hero?
Diogo: Dad is the hero! Dad is the hero! (Obrigada again to Lou da Gama for the translation.)

To see even more fun with Diogo and Filomena, check out this other funny video of them... no translation, but none really needed to enjoy it anyway.  J

(video courtesy of RTP)



  1. This one is soooooo good!!!

    We just can't get enough, right?!

    Thank's Sara and Lou! You girls rock!


  2. Ahhhh! Diogo and whip cream! No translation needed is right. I need to be a Portuguese TV host lolol!

  3. He is so beautiful... funny and sweet and beautiful. Yum...

  4. kept it nice and portugal LOVE this dude

  5. Diogo and whip cream!!! Ummmm...

  6. Sara, your Blog just keeps getting better and better!Diogo and whipped cream - what can I say!!
