Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Video of Diogo and Darwin from Portugal's Golden Globes

(photo courtesy of Darwin Shaw on Twitter)

Set up info for the above video clip with the help of Lou da Gama:

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest....)

"Basically, Portuguese comedian César Mourão (the guy dressed up as an old lady) "interrupts" the Golden Globes, and then about 90 seconds into the clip, he "uses" Diogo to make fun of a socialite figure who is in the audience and who is not exactly the most loved person in Portugal... José Castelo Branco. He's a Portuguese socialite and art dealer. He's mostly known for dressing up as a woman and having way too many plastic surgeries.  He also became known in Portugal for participating in reality shows."

Translation of the video per Lou da Gama:

(at about the 1:37 mark)

"César: My dear Júlia Pinheiro (well known SIC TV presenter/host), good luck with you program about swimming pools and diving.
(Note: Julia will be hosting Portugal's upcoming version of the celebrity diving show, "Splash," which, by the way, will also feature Diogo's good friend Rui Unas as co-host.) 
César: (to Julia) God bless you. Everything will be fine.
(César looks at Diogo.)
César: I may pull a few strings for you if you want (for "Splash.") Do you want it?  My dear, he’s (Diogo) looking at me. He’s crazy because of me, aren’t you? Look at him! Look. Look. He’s crazy.  
César: (to Diogo) You could help the lady, son. Help the lady. Do anything. I just ask you not to transform water into wine.... otherwise Toy (Note: a very cheesy, romantic Portuguese singer) will not leave the pool. Okay? Don’t do that please!
And do not walk on water. The pool is for diving. Do not bother walking on water. Okay?  Ahhh! I want to ask you a favor! This is the last thing and I will leave. It’s the following...  Mister Castelo Branco is there. Look! He’s screaming!
(José Castelo Branco stands up)
César: (to Diogo) Look at him! What I want to ask you, if it’s not too much trouble and it’s within your capabilities.... when he dives from the 10 meters platform, could you do that miracle of separating the waters… so that he hits the ground?  Just asking… I will not meddle more...."

Thank you, as always, to Lou da Gama for the translation and explanation.  Obrigada!

And I have to say... I loved seeing Diogo and Darwin together on "TV" again.  :)

In case you missed it, you can see Diogo presenting at Portugal's Golden Globes here.



  1. Me too Sara, I loved seeing them together again. That was a funny clip. I especially liked the part where s/he asked him to separate the water when he dives off the 10 feet platform. ROFLMAO.

    1. Hahaha! I loved that too... and Diogo's face/laughter was beyond awesome. :) And ZDarwin is just the epitome of a true gentleman, always.

    2. Yeah! That was a great joke =)!

    3. Yes, I really like Darwin Shaw. He's so "britishly" cute and his Peter was so endearing.

    4. I cry from laughing when I saw that live on the television. Cesar Mourao is a great comedy actor.

  2. And you got to see another great portuguese talent, Cesar Mourão. Him, Rui aunas and Niltin, are the biggest comedians in PT now, al least in my opinion...

    Great Post Once Again!

    Tank you sara and Lou, awsome job!

    PS: Feels good to be back! =)

  3. got to see this at work today, so the problem is confirmed to be on my end. thanks for sharing, it was hilarious! so good to see Darwin there as well :-)

  4. César Mourão is a great comedian guy! And Diogo acted gracious as always! I was very happy to Shaw with Diogo! Thank you for sharing this! :)
