Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Diogo's doing a Q&A via the blog!

(photo courtesy of

As some of you may have read on his Twitter page, Diogo will be doing a Q&A via the blog as a thank you to all of us fans!  How awesome is that?!?  For those of you not on Twitter, he said of the Q&A: "I'm looking forward to. Thank U so much to you All."  Um no, Diogo......

I have compiled all the questions I received from you guys, and have sent them on to Diogo.  He will answer as many as he has can, when he can... then I will post his answers here on the blog on his behalf.  So it's kind of like a #dmchat/live chat on Twitter, but Diogo can answer as his schedule/time allows, and we don't have the 140 character limit. :)

I know you all know this already, and this is me, Sara, speaking here... but Diogo is pretty darn amazing for doing this Q & A.... especially since he is currently busy filming the upcoming series "Ambição" in Portugal.  So please keep in mind, it's just simply not possible for him to answer every question.  But, any answers allow us all to get to know Diogo better.   

And one last request from me please... because Diogo does have so much going on, and because we are the best fans ever, hee, please let's give him as much time he needs in answering the questions.  I will keep you posted as best I can, but please let's be patient and not bother Diogo on Twitter or Facebook about getting his answers.... I am sure they will be worth the wait. :)  Seriously, thank you for your understanding and patience.  You all rock!

And Diogo, you rock most of all!  We SO appreciate your doing this for us!



  1. He is so great for doing this and taking the time to answer our questions!! I love to read anything he has to say, because indeed, we'll get to know him better that way;) Thank you too Sara, for this idea and your time!

  2. Sara, this is wonderful news, and we are so grateful not only to him for doing this, but also to you for coordinating it <3

  3. Now... THIS IS A BLOG!

    It will be fun! TY Sara and Diogo!

  4. Looks like we've got the perfect combination here - someone who really knows how to do a blog, and a truly wonderful actor who actually appreciates his fans and isn't afraid to show it! This is such an amazing thing for him to do! Sadly, I can't think of one single question to ask him that hasn't already been answered! So I guess I'll look forward to seeing what everyone else has to ask him.

  5. This is so cool. It really helps fans connect with Diogo. And it's awesome that Diogo will take the time to connect with us. He is such a great guy!

  6. OMG this is the best news EVER!!! Thank you so much Sara for coordinating this and to Diogo for being so generous with his fans! :)

  7. Thank you Sara and Diogo for this opportunity! Questions are sent! :)

  8. Thanks for the kind words guys, but I can't take any credit here... it's all Diogo being the awesome guy he is! :)

  9. This is more than a blog now!!!! Diogo you are the best! Sara for sure hundreds of questions are coming in:)
