Wednesday, March 12, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episodes 137 and 138 Translations

(As always, thank you to Dina for the translations!)

Surf's up

(The opening of the surf school is underway.  Salvador's family is all there except Laura. Thais manages to bring Eduardo.  Salvador goes to greet them.) 

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Salvador: Eduardo, glad you came. 
Thais: We were not going to miss the opening for anything. 
Eduardo: I had some curiosity about this kind of environment. But hey, I sincerely wish you every success. That everything goes well. It is difficult at such a time to create a business, isn't it? But also with the government putting out so much water, it may be that Surf is good, right? 
Salvador: Thais look, let me take this opportunity to congratulate you because you have the patience to put up with Eduardo ... It's hard ... 
Thais: It's... I also do not know, you know? Love is all these things, right? 
Salvador: Let's make a toast. Orange juice... To the staff of Surf...
Eduardo: Orange juice? This is bad for your health.

Bikini shopping

(The party is still going on. Simão and Nuno speak with Manel about adapting to having Camilla, their adopted daughter. Eduardo already has his hands full of bikinis chosen by Thais, when Vasco comes up against him. Eduardo, not happy, chides Vasco.) 
Eduardo: (to Thais) How is it? Let's go.
Thais: Just a minute. I want to see just a few more bikinis. 
Eduardo: A few more bikinis??

(Vasco comes home all wet and dirty with muddy feet. Starts to go to the library to watch television and Laura chides him, saying he can not go there in that state. Vasco disobeys her. Laura goes after him and tells him that he is at her house and therefore must obey. Vasco tells her that this will only be for a short time, because his dad likes Sofia, not her.   Laura, furious, tells him not to say Sofia's name in her house, and threatens him again, that she will put him in a boarding school and he'll never see his father. She ends it by telling to take a shower.  Teresa and Manel are in the living room trying to figure out where all the mud came from. Neither Laura nor Vasco tell them what happened. But Manel apologizes for the mess Vasco caused and goes to him. Meanwhile, Eduardo arrives.
Eduardo: Did you invite some horses for dinner? Who is going to clean all this? 
Teresa: We'll see. You won't, right? 

(While the family is in the living room worried about the disappearance of Vasco (he fled to Sofia's home after arguing with Laura), Eduardo is in the kitchen, flirting with Rita.)
Eduardo: You know, Rita, I have not had chance to tell you but I think that what you are doing is spectacular, phenomenal, absolutely good work. 
Rita: (very coy) Thank you Doctor. I'm very happy. 
Eduardo: And there's another thing. I should not say, but I will say, screw it. I love that smile... Look at that... I love... I think it's beautiful .... But, with all due respect to Dulce, because Dulce,  for me, is like a mother. It was she who practically raised me. But I admit that we now are a little better, right? ..
Rita: Oh Doctor ... you make me so ashamed...
Eduardo: You do not have to be embarrassed. Have to stay proud. Super proud is what you must stay. 
(Thais arrives though.) 
Thais: Little boy...
Eduardo: So, love?
Thais: (suspicious) So the boy showed up at Sofia's home. 
Eduardo: Stupid kid... I'm sure he just wants to annoy my mother. These kids now... 
Rita: But it's good that the kid showed up... One hears every story... If I was here with a heavy heart, I can only imagine the doctor...

Vasco's home

(Manel is in the living room playing with Vasco.  Laura observes them, and though very cynical, treats the child very affectionately.  Eduardo and Thais come in.)
Eduardo: Great strategy for skipping school ... 
Thais: Look, at your age I did the same thing, but nobody noticed. I went two days without going to school ... 
Manel: Thais... Thais ... better not ... 
Vasco: Really? 
(They all laugh.) 
Thais: Seriously. Later I'll tell you all about it. 
Margarida: Teresa went to dinner with her boyfriend. We can go to the table, if you want. 
(Manel asks to speak with Laura alone.  Margarida asks Vasco if he will lend her a surfboard for her to go surfing. In exchange, she will lend him a horse for him to ride.) 

The family discusses dating habits

(They are talking about the fact that Teresa had gone to dinner with her boyfriend/personal trainer, Vicente.) 
Eduardo: Actually I wonder what those two are having for dinner. I bet it is a fruit smoothie, or more likely, take her to a mall and buy a cheap burger. 
Laura: What will happen is that your sister is going to pick the restaurant and she will be paying. 
Thais: Did you know what happened to Vasco today? 
Manel: No, until now, no.
Thais: When he wants, when he feels comfortable, he will come and will bring up the subject. 
Laura: Margarida has gone to bed?
Thais: No, she went out. She went to Salvador's.
Eduardo: It is obvious that the surfer will be there. These sisters turn into hippies more each day. Well, more for Margarida, because if Teresa is turning something, it's suburban. 
Manel: Eduardo, you do know that Tomás worked in a bank before devoting himself to surfing? 
Eduardo: Hmmm, so it was him that Salvador was inspired by ... makes sense. 
Manel: Eduardo, I assure you that Tomás is a good guy. 
Thais: And very friendly ... 
Laura: They can be friendly, but my daughters have crossed paths throughout life with people so much more interesting ... 
Thais: Look, dear mother in law, what matters is that, for them, these people are really interesting. I know! I know that parents try to guide their children, but in the end they are the ones who choose ...  
Laura: Unfortunately. 
Eduardo: So there is feedback from sales (re: shoes)? 
Laura: For now we are selling better than last year. 
Manel: Yes, and being this a year of crisis more serious, it's a very positive indicator. 
Laura: Now it will be very difficult to recover Boheme financially. Mismanagement by Sofia, and the money we had to pay the taxes, have done much harm to Boheme. 
Eduardo: (teasing) Yeah, and the money that was spent to purchase Sofia's entire collection to burn them, that also could not have helped, right? 
Laura: (annoyed) Well it did not help, no.  
Eduardo: Only I'd like very much to return to Boheme. 
Laura: You're not at Boheme by your own choice... 
Eduardo: But you never asked ... 
Laura: For me you were working by my side. It's you who insisted on spiting me....


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