Thursday, March 13, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 140 Translations

(Note: Eduardo was not in episode 139, so here is the next episode he was in, episode 140. And as always, thank you to Dina for the translations!)

(Rita knocks at the door.) 
Eduardo: Yes??

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Rita: Sorry to bother you doctor, but you've been here so long ... I thought you might want a slice of cake. 
Eduardo: Actually I am hungry ... Put here (indicating the desk.)
(Rita drops a piece of cutlery on purpose to bend down.) 
Rita: Ohhh, sorry ... I'll bring another one, doctor. 
(Eduardo cannot resist any more and kisses her) 
Rita: What if someone comes? 
Eduardo: There's no one home ... 
Rita: Stop, stop, stop ... I have to go to the kitchen. 
Eduardo: You provoke me and then you run away? 
Rita: Could be very dangerous, you know?
Eduardo: It may be. Want to go somewhere else, is that it? 
(Rita flees.) 
Eduardo: You will not run away, will you Rita? 
Rita: Why? Are you going to come running after me doctor? 
(Eduardo threatens he will come after her, but he stays put.)

(Eduardo and Teresa are in the living room, waiting for dinner) 
Eduardo: I didn't expect you to be here ... Your boyfriend is probably with the children he has with someone else, right? 
Teresa: Eduardo ... spare me!! 
Eduardo: I was just worried about you ... 
Teresa: You really want to talk about my boyfriend? How about we start and look a bit at you, at your life and at your nonsense? I'm going to my room. When dinner is ready call me. 
Eduardo: But ... but ... there's no need, okay?
Laura: Manel has not arrived yet?  
Eduardo: I don't think so. Well .. I'll go see Thais. 



  1. I'm digin this DIOGO!!!

  2. Yup! Eduardo sure is a little bugger! Notice the sparkle in his eyes when he sees his next "prey". A "bugger" working his way towards "duck ass" status. Gotta hand to him though.....he keeps things interesting! ;o) Linda

  3. The need to dig Diogo is still not completly understood.
