Sunday, February 9, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 116 Translations

(As always, thank you to Dina for the translations!)

Margarida overhears her family

(Teresa, Eduardo and Thais are chatting in the living room. Eduardo asks if they want a drink.) 
Teresa: No, thanks.
Thais: I do.

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
(Laura joins them)
Laura: Where's Margarida?
Teresa: She came in, but went straight to her room. I even tried to talk to her, but she asked me to let her be alone. 
Thais: Well, I tried to cheer her up, give her some positive words, tell her that everything will be OK. But she, poor thing, is very upset. 
Eduardo: Sometimes it's not worth talking, sometimes it's more important for the person to be alone and get some ideas in place. I think ... 
Teresa: We have to pay attention to Margarida. We must be on guard, because she is very young, and this situation is very complicated. 
Laura: I've been thinking, and I think I am not going to give in to Andreia's blackmail. 
(Meantime Margarida arrives, and is listening without them realizing it.) 
Eduardo: Of course not. Who does Andreia think she is? Even more so after living all these years here at our home, at our expense. 
Teresa: But then what is your idea? For Andreia to publish Margarida's video? 
Laura: I think the best thing is for Margarida to leave here for a while. Go to study in any country she chooses. 
(Margarida decides to enter.) 
Margarida: What are you talking about?
Laura: Darling, I think in this situation, it is best for you to go study abroad. 
Margarida: No one can decide my life, not even you, Mother. 
Laura: Darling, it's the only way I have to protect you from the consequences that this video can bring to your life. I know it's a drastic solution, but it's the only one we have. 
(Margarida will hear no more, and runs out, although Laura calls after her.)  
Eduardo: Mother, mother, let her go, Mom, seriously. Let her go. She is to realize that what she did has consequences. That's life, right? 

Thais tells Eduardo to solve the problem

(Eduardo is in bed, seeming very thoughtful and preoccupied.) 
Thais: Are you worried about your sister? Love, if it was me who was in that situation, I'd already solved it long ago. You know why? I do not know how you let Andreia do this blackmailing. 
Eduardo: Thais, I'm not worried about the damn video. I do not give a damn about that. I am concerned what my mother will do, that is it. 
Thais: No, no. Your mother is not at all inclined to give in to Andreia's blackmail. 
Eduardo: I don't know, you know? I do not know. I think to protect Margarida my mother is indeed capable of letting Andreia living here at home. If it was me, she wouldn't even want to know. But for my younger sis, I dunno ... 
Thais: So if you think that's possible, you have to do something. Understand? There is no way I'm staying in the same house as Andreia. 
Eduardo: I know. I know that.
Thais: So if you know, please do something, okay? Anything. 
Eduardo: I get it, okay? 

Eduardo is upset

(The next morning, the family is all together at the table, eating breakfast.) 
Eduardo: (to Margarida) I do not understand why you went to Andreia's office.  You were expecting what? That video was there? Was on the desk waiting for you? 
Teresa: Eduardo, Margarida is going through a difficult time. If you have nothing to say that can help, do not say anything. 
Thais: Margarida, I really wanted to help you. 
Margarida: Thank you.
Eduardo: You know what you're gonna do? Studying abroad is a good solution to leave the country. 
Laura: Eduardo, shut up.  
Manel: We can try to resolve the situation without hurting anyone. 
Laura: Margarida will not have to travel anywhere, because the video will not be disclosed. Andreia comes here to live and that's the end of this conversation. 
Eduardo: Hold on. Mother cannot do that. Andreia comes here, and I leave. And Thais comes with me. 
Laura: It makes no difference to me. Do as you please. The alternative is much more serious. 
(Eduardo does not want to believe it.) 
Margarida: Eduardo, also no...
Eduardo: (cuts her off) Margarida, do not meddle, please. If it weren't for your orgies none of this would be happening. Okay? 
Laura: Do you and Thais have a solution to solve this problem? If you do, I am happy to hear it. 
(Off their silence...) 
Laura: Oh ... you do not any. I thought so. So today I'll talk to Andreia and from now on we will have a new guest here at home. Get used it. 
Thais: Sorry to give my opinion on the subject, but have you considered that if Andreia gets this, she will realize she can demand anything she wants. 
Eduardo: Sure. Solve Margarida's problem, but screw Eduardo. In fact, Thais, you know what? Here, at home, it has always been this way. Eduardo does not matter, ever. 
(Eduardo gets up from the table and walks away. Thais apologizes and goes after him.) 
Laura: Pass me the bread, please? Thank you. 


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