Friday, February 7, 2014

"Sol de Inverno" - Episode 115 Translations

(As always, thank you to Dina for the translations!)

Eduardo wonders if Thais is happy

(Eduardo and Thais are in their room)
Eduardo: (hugging Thais) Hmm... You smell so good.
Thais: (laughing) Stop it, love. 
Eduardo: It's a compliment. I'm complimenting you. 

(Click the "Read More" link below to read the rest of this post...)
Thais: Hmm, I know, Dudu, I know, okay? Stop it. 
Eduardo: Are you happy with me?
Thais: Look, I will stop answering you. 
Eduardo: Why?
Thais: Because you ask me this every day. If I was not happy with you, I would've left. I would have gone. You think what? I'm Andreia? I stay here putting everything on hold in exchange for a good life? 
(Eduardo continues to kiss her.)
Thais: (laughing) Stop. 
Eduardo: And if I do not stop? What happens? 

Laura has shocking news for the family

(After speaking with Andrea, Laura calls an urgent family meeting.) 
Eduardo: Anyone want a drink? 
Thais: Bring a big drink, I need it. I'm feeling that the mood here is tense. 
(Teresa and Salvador arrives): Good evening. 
Salvador: Tell me what it is, mom, I'm getting worried. 
Laura: I'm glad you came. Nuno and Simão couldn't come because they are with the child, but I have a very serious matter to tell you about. Andreia threatened me. She told me that was going to post the video of Margarida, at that party, if I did not let her come live here at the house. 
(are all stunned) 
Margarida: But this can't be. Andreia told me she deleted all the videos. She would not do such a thing. Andreia knows what I went through, she did not ... 
Eduardo: It will not happen. This is completely out of the question. Andreia will not come here. 
Teresa: She must be quite desperate. 
Thais: You can not let this woman blackmail you. 
Eduardo: Love, do not worry. Andreia will not set foot in here again. 
Margarida: And she is supposed to do what, Eduardo? Is she supposed to put my video on the internet, all over social media? Do you realize you're not understanding the gravity of the situation? 
Eduardo: Maybe it's even better. Then she has failed to blackmail you, right? 
Laura: Would you stop with these comments, Eduardo? I also do not want Andreia to come live here, at home, of course. But I can't let the video of your sister become public. Do you not realize this? .
Eduardo: I just can not allow her to come here, and ... I dunno ... suddenly create a scandal.  
Salvador: Eduardo, you can just stop thinking about yourself for a minute, and think about Margarida? For once in your life, would you? 
Eduardo: I'm thinking of Margarida. 
Teresa: Well, I'll try to speak to Andreia and see if there is any good sense left in that head. 
Salvador: Teresa, if you want I'll go with you. 
Laura: You can try, but I do not think it will work. 

Eduardo and Thais discuss Laura's news

(Eduardo and Thais are in their room) 
Eduardo: So? Are you still upset because of Andreia? 
Thais: Me? Of course not, love, and you know why? Because I'm sure you're going to solve the situation. There is no way I'm living in the same house as your ex-wife. 
Eduardo: No, of course not. Like I'm ever going to expose us to such a situation? Of course not. Incidentally, if there is some kind of distrust in you, of anything, you tell me, so we can get out of here quickly. Okay? 
Thais: Okay. It's all right. Everyone treated me very well, your mother even has sympathy for me ... 
Eduardo: (ironic) She has a temper ... She has... 
Thais: (serious) Solve the problem! Hmm? 
Eduardo: I'll solve it. Of course. 
Thais: Shall we go? Let's go because your mother likes to have everyone at ... coffee. 
Eduardo: (corrects her) Breakfast.

Eduardo confronts Andreia

(Eduardo goes to Andreia's home.) Eduardo: Stop with this ridiculous blackmail of yours. Andrea: It's touching how you care about your sister. Eduardo: I do not care about my sister! You know me too well. She must solve all her problems. Now I will not allow you, I will not let you return to live in that house. You hear me, right? Andreia: Hmm ... Are you scared? If I return to live in that house the Brazilian will take a stroll, is that it? Eduardo: You're not any threat, Andreia. Andreia: Worse, imagine that she catches us close together, in a more intimate moment, like old times. Eduardo: Look Andreia, even if you were the last person ... I will not let you, do you hear? If you enter that door, I'll make you go out the window. Do you hear? Andrea: I'm not afraid of you. Eduardo: You are, you are. You know well what I am capable of. Andreia: My agreement is with your mother, not you. Eduardo: Well, either way, you're not going to force me to look at you every day, okay? That's my house, my family, nothing gives you the right to live with my family, okay? Andreia: The video that I have gives me the right to I do what I want. And now get out. This conversation is over. Leave. Eduardo: The message has been given. Andreia: What you say to me is nothing. It's your mother who has to give me an answer. Take advantage and tell her to hurry. My proposal will not last forever.
(And Eduardo leaves.)   


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