Thursday, February 6, 2014

Behind the Scenes with Diogo (from "Queridas Manhãs")

Diogo gave João Paulo Rodrigues from SIC's "Queridas Manhãs" a look behind the scenes of "Sol de Inverno."  Dina was once again awesome enough to translate this funny segment for us, which can be found below each video.  Obrigada Dina!  

(João Paulo Rodrigues, (JPR) co-host of the morning show "Queridas Manhãs," goes behind the scenes of "Sol de Inverno.") 
JPR: Today we came to the SP studios to spend the day with Diogo Morgado. He must be almost here. We'll wait. 
(Diogo pulls up in his Smart Car.
JPR: Oh, oh, that's enough. Come on. 
(Diogo gets out of the car and gives him his backpack.) 
DM: Will you hold this?
JPR: Yes, give it to me.
DM: (to camera) This is my new assistant. 
DM: (to JPR) Why did you come to bother me today? 
JPR: I want to see what you usually do here during the day. What you eat, what you drink. I want to understand how a "technical (for TV/on-screen) kiss" works.
DM: For? For?
JPR: For our morning program "Queridas Manhãs." 
(meanwhile Angelo Rodrigues ("Simão" on Sol), arrives in his sports car.) 
DM: Some arrive by Smart Car, others come by.... 
AR: I make a tenth of what he earns, but spent all my money on it. 
DM: I spend on things as I should. 
JPR: (to Angelo) But, hey, I bet you bought the car second hand and that the soft top does not open... 
DM: It's like we're at the dentist, right? There is that thing that makes noise inside the mouth, to maintain hygiene, right? I share the same principle to the so-called "technical kiss." So no germs. It has to be dry and practiced at home to run smoothly. 
(Diogo is having lunch.)
JPR: But for those scenes where you are at the table, eating lunch or dinner, do you really eat? 
DM: (says no) There is a little tube ... 
JPR: (whining) Oh, my God. This will have to be all cut. 
(Now they are in the makeup room.) 
DM: Now, basically, you're saying goodbye to this friendly dude (Diogo), who talks with you as the good guy, and then becomes the irritable (Eduardo) one. Ready?
JPR: Ready. Ladies and gentlemen, prepare for the transformation of the great artist that will put ... 
(Diogo drops the contact lens.) 
JPR: Look, it escaped ... Are you nervous? I would be. 
DM: A little bit. I've never been watched when I'm doing this. 
JPR: You want us to turn our backs? 
DM: Please....
JPR: (to the camera) Turn around. 
DM: (to the camera) Who is this gentleman? 
JPR: And if you were working? 
DM: Oh, okay, I'm going.
(Diogo walks back and forth.) 
DM: My coat? Where is my coat? 
JPR: (shouting) The coat for Eduardo. 
DM: (laughs) I look like a chicken. 
(The coat appears.) 
JPR: Ah, now, yes, doctor. 
(Both speak in whispers.)
DM: You do not know because you're new at this. This here is called "Sol de Inverno". It is a great series on SIC.
("Eduardo" and "Rita" kissing each other for a scene for "Sol de Inverno.") 
JPR: A while ago you told me you were not going to do "technical kisses." None. But there were a few little kisses with Rita ... 
DM: This is where improvisation comes in. 
JPR: Ah ... kissing Rita was not in the script? 
DM: No.
JPR: And you kiss because you felt like it.
DM: Yes, because I felt like it. 
JPR: It was an impulse ... you felt like it.
DM: That's it.
JPR: You think she explained it to me, or not? 
DM: I think so.
JPR: Let's talk to her?
DM: Let's go.
Sandra ("Rita" in the series): That scene called for it. Says there that you didn't like it. 
JPR: I actually liked it. I have not seen it, but I heard. And there were 3 or 4 ... 
DM: But just to hear it must have been ... 
JPR: It was spectacular. It was a full kiss... 
(And the two make "kissing" noises.) 

Behind the Scenes with Diogo (part 2)

(They are looking at the production chart on the wall.) 
DM: Here is our weekly work schedule. Here, on Monday, as the scenes are filmed, we strike them out. We had 2 dinners and 1 lunch. And my grandfather said "Bad is the mouth that does not take two lunches." 
(heading to the locker room) 
JPR: Better I stay out here. 
DM: No, no, come on. 
JPR: No, you go. 
(In there is Angelo Rodrigues ("Simão") putting on his shoes.) 
DM: Look, see? This is our private bathroom. 
JPR: We never see serious actors changing clothes. Do you mind if we see? 
DM: (laughs) He said serious actors. 
JPR: (to Maria João Luís ("Laura") on the series) He is a good son? 
MJL: He's a good boy.
JPR: She's not your mother?
DM: Yes, she is. She's more stepmother than a mother. 
MJL: I'm referring to Diogo. Diogo is (a good guy).
JPR: Ah ... but I was talking about "Eduardo." 
DM: She says that because our personal relationship is different. 
(Diogo hugs her and pretends to kiss her passionately.) 
JPR: Maybe we should not see this.
DM: Let's be honest. 
JPR: Tell me.
DM: You just came to SIC because of the girls, right? 
JPR: Yes, yes, it was. Because of Júlia Pinheiro (the other host of "Queridas Manhãs.")
JPR: What do you do during breaks in filming? 
DM: It depends on a lot of things. It depends much upon the scenes that follow. If it's a more complicated scene, you might want to work on it and study it, especially in scenes where there's a discussion, for example, where words should be well articulated and fluent to be as true as possible. If the scene is more laid back, in that case it can be conversations with colleagues, or a break for coffee, which is often necessary. 
(A girl goes by them and JPR gets distracted, which causes  Diogo to laugh and say--) 
DM: Now I understand why you came to SIC.
(entering a door) 
DM: Calm, calm, calm, João. Most of the time we end at night. So today, was not bad. 
JPR: So what now? Take out the [contact] lenses and goodnight?
DM: Yeah, basically that's it. The last thing I do is remove the lens. 
JPR: But you use these again, or they go in the trash? 
DM: No, I'm pretty resourceful. These now go here in the box and are stored until the next time.

Diogo's co-workers and colleagues are so lucky, because he sure seems to make work fun!  :)


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